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Tracey Ash: Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing

Tracey Ash: Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing



The Source Codes change not only how we perceive reality but also how we consciously manifest the future.”

Tracey-Ash_omtimes_egyptianTracey Ash, International Author, Visionary, Life Purpose Facilitator, Ancient Knowledge & Wisdom Keeper, Awareness, and Awakening Teacher, is a part of a new wave of non-duality pioneers in high frequency transformation, bringing awareness and teaching meditation technologies.

Tracey Ash is A NEW FRONTIER TEACHER uniquely offering ‘HOW TO’ with regard to tackling conspiracy, toxic structures and manifesting magnificent new stories. She is a researcher in the field of consciousness and an ancient wisdom keeper. Tracey has toured the world exploring power sites and working to inspire the next generation of positive change influencers in order to ignite incredible solutions for the next phase of planetary evolution. Her focus is truth, magnificence, awareness, individual sovereignty and contribution. Tracey Ash is an author of Findhorn Press (UK), OBooks (UK) and Natural Spirit (JAPAN). Tracey has featured in national press, TV, and radio.


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Interview with Tracey Ash

OMTIMES: Tell us how you came to be doing the work you are doing in the world?

Tracey Ash: I was born into an ordinary family in the North East of England in the 1970’s. We may have been ordinary in the general sense but many of my family members had extraordinary abilities and were mediums and healers. They saw what others did not and experienced what others could not. As a child I did not speak. I experienced dreams, visions, challenges and near-death experiences and soon discovered that I too shared the gift of my family. Once conscious of my abilities I realized I should use it to help those who are seeking the truth – I am a Wisdom Keeper. My childhood experiences prepared me for the path I now find myself on, that of a way-shower and one who works with thousands of people worldwide. Three women have inspired me to develop my talents and seek further understanding. Shirley Maclaine, Ivy Northage (a trance channel from the UK) and Suzanna McKinnery (President of The College of Psychic Studies, London). Along the way I taught myself meditation and positive thinking techniques and approaches. I see dimensions of life and the universe invisible to others – dimensions others chose not to acknowledge, explore or understand. During my twenties I explored Buddhism, Shamanism, Meditation, Trance Channeling and Energy Healing approaches. A Tibetan family adopted me and dinner parties were often private audiences with the exiled Tibetan Rinpoche. During a magnificent past life regression I accessed my role as ancient and future wisdom keeper and glimpsed a spectacular, pure high frequency quantum healing technology key to my work on life purpose and personal and planetary transformation. I had discovered my dream. Afterwards, I created detailed sketches of the remote ancient site of Abu Ghorab in Egypt. Twenty years later I discovered this site again in real life during my travels in Egypt.

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