Tracey Ash: Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing
OMTIMES: What was the biggest turning point in your life’s work?
Tracey Ash: The big turning point came when, in 2011, during The Arab Spring uprising in Egypt, I filmed T
he Source Codes. It was to be an incredible new frontier of wisdom and realities on assisting the next evolutionary cycle. The experience ignited my book Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing- The Source Codes for High Frequency, which was published by Findhorn Press in 2015. Filming the Source Codes was a catalyst propelling me to work a generation of positive change-influencers at some of the finest power sites worldwide not only, Egypt, but Mt Fuji, Mt Kumara, Okinawa (Japan’s Ocean Pyramids) and Glastonbury. This assists in critical quantum action for a new model of mission, planetary healing and peace.
OMTIMES: You describe yourself as “new paradigm” what do you mean by that?
Tracey Ash: By ‘new paradigm’ I mean that at this new frontier we must be BRAVE. Those of us who are awake in this generation have to be fearless enough to not only help raise consciousness but raise the bar, to strive for greater magnificence and love in our communities and world. Only through our own dedicated self-work can we now close the cycle of low frequency toxicity for good to ignite life force for personal sovereignty in my own work, I am helping individuals of all generations to provide hope and live the dream of a positive new world. This is the new frontier. Positive change is now. The ‘new paradigm’ means we must show up, be visible and authentic and understand how to manifest our mission to bring about positive change. The frequency is the key to this. I work with ancient technologies that are immensely powerful and manifest excellence. I have learned that we can have the most amazing meditation experiences but must be conscious not to manifest illusion or deplete our life force. We can’t be the positive change unless we continually manifest it. This is the quantum energy key. Miracles are no longer the domain of someone else. Action is taken. Peace is priceless. Love is upheld. Mission is lived as truth. This is the serious work of service to safeguard evolution and the future.
OMTIMES: You have some fascinating links internationally, particularly with Japan and Egypt. Tell us first about your connection to Japan and the research work you do there.
Tracey Ash: At the time of the New Year, 2011, I sat at Glastonbury with my daughters in meditation. We discussed our dreams of the coming year. We carefully wrote down our dreams on tiny pieces of paper, rolled them in to the walls of Glastonbury Tor. My vision was service anywhere in the world where I was called and needed. Within two weeks an email landed in my inbox from Japan. Within the month, I was sitting in the V&A Museum in London, having afternoon tea and my first contract was placed before me. I now work for the three leading companies in Japan who host international speakers. I am the number one international teacher in Japan. My work is lovingly supported by the three biggest promotional organizations for international speakers. I hold retreats on Mt Fuji, at Mt Kumara (Birthplace of Reiki) and Japan’s Ocean Pyramids at Okinawa. I have four schools in Japan that reach thousands of people. In 2015 in Japan, Natural Spirit published Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing- The Source Codes for High Frequency.
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