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Tracey Ash: Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing

Tracey Ash: Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing

Tracey Ashz-omtimesOMTIMES: Many have described the pyramids of Egypt as ‘Earth power sites’, what is their importance to the source codes?

Tracey Ash: They provide the THE WOW CONNECTION! The pyramids are central in the earth to the global network of pyramids and power sites that literally give us the direct experience of god and 5D into 3D – the zero point. The reality switch! The high frequency embodiment switch! This is the key for super-speed peace, healing and evolution. The site of the pyramids of Egypt is encrypted in the akhu. This is the divine template of humanity that knows our true origins. My research has traced our origins through Ancient Egypt to The Garden of Eden to an even earlier Golden Age (9300-8200 BC). Even Ancient Egypt’s Turin Papyrus speaks of 30,000 years of history! This quantum model of evolution powers changes now to reboot us out of sleeping in elite power manipulation to know we can change the story. These sites are very definitely NOT tombs!

OMTIMES: If we unlock ‘The Source Codes’ what will happen to us as individuals?

Tracey Ash: When we unlock The Source Codes we start to live our true story, our mission! This is an exciting idea, it means more of us living our purpose and loving it. This high frequency switch unlocks more dimensions of life! It takes us into a new model of love and positivity so that we can contribute to making the world a better place! These technologies anchor high frequency that creates outstanding miracles, positive solutions, human collaboration, contribution, fulfillment of human potential and the big one- a new frontier of LOVE! We are divinity because we love. This is how it works…’When the kundalini rises up through the chakras to the Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus in the head, the Yogi is in union with the Supreme Universal Soul- entering The Source Codes. This is a high frequency Kundalini process that ignites foundations of transformation and spirituality change. And excellence. Source Codes activation allows you to master inner reality and enter the world of yogi or mystic to master time and reality. For you, as positive change-maker.’

See Also

OMTIMES: What’s next for Tracey Ash? Tracey Ash: I am currently working on my next book and continue to do research and retreats all over the world. I will be visiting many of the Earth power sites until 2018, including the monuments and pyramids of Egypt, Mt Fuji, Okinawa’s Ocean Pyramids, Mt Kurama (birthplace of Reiki), Tokyo, Glastonbury, UK, France, Spain, Cyprus and South Africa. I will be travelling in a submarine to explore the ocean pyramids of Japan and I am super-excited! My collaboration with PSI Science Institute Japan in 2016, where I am an honorary member will continue. I will be collaborating with the President and vice-President to create a laboratory of research strategies that explores the connection between quantum consciousness and energy orbs manifestation. Plus, in 2016 I will be traveling to Los Angeles to the Conscious Life Expo and will also be at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London among many other appearances

For more about Tracey Ash, 121’s, retreats and training please go to ©2015

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