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Veronica Lee: A Mystic with a Mission

Veronica Lee: A Mystic with a Mission

By second grade I became so fascinated with the whole concept of intuitive arts and magic that I named my cat, which was all black, Familiar. And, of course, my favorite TV show at the time was Bewitched. I so wanted to be Samantha! I mean, who didn’t want to be Sam?

In high school, after years of my mom bugging me, I finally read Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions by Richard Bach. I thought those were cool books, even though I wasn’t much of a reader.

But then, Liane, that whole “weird” stuff – you know, the metaphysical stuff – started to get tucked away in me. I was like most kids, I just wanted to fit in and my upbringing wasn’t like anyone else’s I knew. So, little by little, I tried to be more like others – more “normal.” I mean, of course I couldn’t help being me, and feeling what I felt, and knowing what I knew, but I just didn’t want to tell anyone about the weird part of me anymore. I was tired of not being understood.

Geez, Liane, do you really want this whole story? It’s funny because it really has been a lifelong journey, but I’ll shorten it up here.

See Also

So, anyway, I had learned how to manifest – since it’s one of those basic metaphysical skills – and at age seventeen wrote out a description of “my perfect guy” in my journal. And, lo and behold, my husband, who I met a few years later, totally fit that journal entry!

So, for me – for quite a long time – life was good. I was able to manifest with ease and things were good, and I was playing normal and all that, and everything just seemed pretty basic. But then I hit a huge crisis in my life. Suddenly my skills were not working and I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. This crisis, of course, was the deepening of my personal spiritual journey and the owning of my inherent mysticism.

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