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Veronica Lee: A Mystic with a Mission

Veronica Lee: A Mystic with a Mission

OMTIMES: In your own words and mind, what would be your definition of someone being a true mystic? What is your transcendent mission?

VERONICA LEE: A true mystic… ah, good question! But I must say it’s also a tricky one. See, the hard part for me, Liane, is I’ve never really fit into a box too well; not even a metaphysical one. When I was little I learned a set of “rules” or as some would say “Universal laws” – like the law of attraction – but as soon as I felt them inside me, I started questioning them. I’d use them, but there was always a question, a wondering. I couldn’t understand why, but sometimes these rules or laws felt off. Like there was not a full understanding of them.

So to go back to your question about being a true mystic, I think it really has to be self-defined. Do you resonate with the word mystic? Does something inside you feel bigger or deeper than you imagined yourself to be? What I see is that we are all these incredible beings with untapped power and potential, and just like when I wanted to fit in as a young adult, we’ve learned to tuck these aspects of ourselves away. We’ve buried our spiritual nature, our innate knowing, and our ability to tap into other realms of consciousness. Yet, when I do readings for people, this is what I see. I see their light, their gifts, their spiritual powers, even if they’re not fully conscious of them. I don’t just see this because I’m an intuitive, I see it because it’s yearning to come forth from them… from everyone. And this is what we are seeing on the planet right now; that yearning to connect with and release our inner mystic. It’s really the impulse behind our global awakening, isn’t it?

See Also

And, of course, this leads right into my mission. Once I started seeing this in people, over and over, I realized it wasn’t a fluke, or about living in California, or about being around open-minded people. I was seeing this in all kinds of people all over the world, some of whom were not so open-minded even; you know, the ones who received a reading from me as a gift! I soon recognized that my job was to help people, not only see this in themselves, but to remember it – to feel it and reconnect with their true selves.

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