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The YOU Code Experience

The YOU Code Experience

Program Spotlight – The YOU Code Experience

For more information about The YOU Code Experience, click the picture!

On the road of life, there is always more to learn and discover!

If you have been sensing energetic shifts and are feeling called to seek more clarity, balance and direction, an 8-day journey in Mexico has been designed with you in mind and heart.

The YOU Code Experience & Journey, 21st – 29th January 2016, San Miguel De Allende, Mexico

Along with visionary psychic channel, David Gross, visionary shamanic medicine woman, and Christina Sol, visionary leader, Carol Talbot has created a journey that offers you an enriching and extraordinary experience unlike any other on earth.

~ Do you feel a calling and readiness to BE more, DO more and HAVE more in life?

~ Are you are ready to step into a fuller focus of who you are?


Here’s the solution: The You Code Experience, a unique journey that incorporates a combination of:

~ Transformational workshops expanding and illuminating human consciousness and awareness.

~ Personalized (spirit-guided) blueprints of actions to release specific psychological and emotional blocks.

~ Incredible ceremonies and connection to the spirit of plants and animals.

~ The power of meditation, vinyasa flow yoga, dance and movement, voice and sound.

~ Opportunities to soak in the mystery of beautiful San Miguel de Allende, and discover YOU… and the power of YOU through profound experiences.


See Also
Transform Your World OMTimes

The YOU Code Experience will allow you to create opportunities to ignite and engage in the evolution of a different perspective, and an ever expanding conversation in a direction that you may not have gone before. It offers you the opportunity to step into a fuller focus of who you are!

In addition to participating in rituals, ceremonies, adventure and experiences, you’ll have time to explore and enjoy the rich vibrancy of San Miguel de Allende. Many believe this beautiful and special city was built on a bed of quartz crystals amplifying its rejuvenating energy and it’s easy to see why so many people have fallen in love with its magical energy.


Experience a powerful journey, inspired by insights which ignite a personal, professional and spiritual evolution.


For full details and bookings available for The YOU Code Experience, click the picture or visit:

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