2015 Cancer Full Moon

Astrology Forecast for the December 2015 Cancer Full Moon
by Kathy Biehl
December 25, 2015
3:11 AM PST / 6:11 EST / 11:11 AM GMT
3 Cancer 19 / 3 Capricorn 19
The heavens are giving a phenomenal boost to the Christmas season this year. The day that celebrates a child’s birth sees the 2015 Cancer Full Moon, the sign of motherhood, home, family and tradition. It’s an appropriate placement, given how associated this time is with family gatherings, festive meals and time-honored rituals. True, all of these have a way of adorning emotional baggage, but don’t be so sure the usual unpleasantness is in store this week. It has the potential for a surprisingly sweet, yummy time, a swelling of hearts and a well-needed respite from the harshness of recent weeks.
Emotions are running high. The 2015 Cancer Full Moon is in her home base, which encourages hypersensitivity, even in the Scrooges among us, and turns emotional barometers up to 11. For a change, our feelings are actually lining up with the emphasis of this time of year. Cues for how to feel and act may be bombarding us in stores, on TV and online, but they are not what’s triggering the emotions cresting within us. Whether you celebrate this holiday or not, whether you’re with family, stuck at work or waiting out the long weekend on your lonesome, you’re likely to be riding a wave of nostalgia, sentimentality and renewed appreciation of blood and chosen bonds.
The event and the days around it are occupying their own extraordinary spot on the time/space continuum. The 2015 Cancer Full Moon culminates amid clouds of …. well, no one knows quite what. We’re in a fuzzy-woozy atmosphere that feels unhinged from normal reality. That atmosphere is with us for the foreseeable future, thanks to an ongoing clash between Saturn, lord of order, and Neptune, lord of formlessness and transcendence. The 2015 Cancer Full Moon is in a direct, easy flow to the magical, unearthly, illusory end of that clash, which pushes this week’s experiences into a sweetness bordering on cinematic.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.