2015 Cancer Full Moon

The link to Neptune is pouring glamour into the swirling wisps and clouds and fog that envelop life now. They’re filling with gentleness, kindness, tenderness and compassion as well. Breathe them in deeply; they are a healing mist, and they are spanning timelines and dimensions. They teem with the best qualities of any Christmastime you’ve experienced, along with the best qualities you’ve not yet enjoyed. You may be surprisingly, acutely aware of how deeply connected you feel to the people around you (yes, even your relatives; even the people for whom you have a carefully compiled list of grievances to air). This may include recognizing the role that has been played for you by gatherings and relationships you have taken for granted, and at times resented. Even if you’re alone, you’ll likely wise up to what you need in order to feel safe, secure and loved (and come away determined to bring that into your life).
Some moments and interactions may feel uncommonly precious, thanks to a nagging realization that this experience will not last and will not come again in quite this form. Savor the moment and the people who are sharing it with you. Next year’s Christmas season and late-winter gatherings will have a different configuration; everyone is moving on. Your exit cue will begin tugging at you on the 25th itself, in the midst of the day’s activities, when Uranus the awakener stations direct and permanently tilts your perspective. You may be opening presents, giving a hug, changing the TV channel, helping yourself to pie and coffee. Suddenly you will know you’re heading off, maybe not that day, but soon, and into your own direction. So give the old traditions one last go-round — one last grand hurrah.
It’s possible, of course, that some people will translate these influences through a darkly clouded filter and fall into self-pity, taking things personally, or feeling victimized, unappreciated or unloved. If you sense yourself succumbing to any of these, stop. Pull yourself out and do something nurturing, for yourself first of all. The loving and healing possibilities of the 2015 Cancer Full Moon are not to be squandered.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.