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2016: A 9 Universal Year

2016: A 9 Universal Year


by Alison Baughman

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us….” ~Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

2016: A 9 Universal Year: The Year of Extremes

Traits of the Number 9

Positive traits: Humane, compassionate, tolerant, forgiving, charitable, intuitive, fair, ethical, insightful, authoritative, natural leader, creative, astute, spiritual, benevolent, loving.

Negative traits: Resentful, critical, intolerant, self-righteousness, stubborn, judgmental, impersonal, suspicious, hateful, vindictive, lack of integrity, over-emotional, prejudiced.

Every number in Numerology has positive and negative qualities. The Number 9 is one of those numbers that is all or nothing. It is the number of extremes either displaying the positive qualities of the 9 or the negative and nothing in between. A 9 has the capacity to either save the world or destroy it. We can look to examples of Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi, both 9-Lifepaths, for selfless service to others and an example of true humanitarians. We can also look at the darker side of the 9 by examples of Heinrich Himmler, Ayatollah Khomeini and John Wayne Gacy who were also 9-Lifepaths. In 2016, we will be witness to the best and the worst humanity has to offer and on some level, we already sense this.

No other year can unite humanity in a common cause as much as a 9 Universal Year.


9 Universal Year on the Horizon

World leaders are working together to combat the global terrorist threat from ISIS. The number 9 stresses international and the potential for war. A war on terror is a war nonetheless. The fact ISIS is basing its actions on religious ideology is very much in alignment with the Number 9 because it stresses our religious beliefs. It makes it a more difficult war to fight. Besides the threat of ISIS, other conflicts between countries have the potential to flare up. Conflicts will not only be fought on the ground but also through computer hacking. We are entering an age of cyber terrorism where computers and the Internet connect the world.

Many of us look at the 2016 Presidential Election in the U.S. as a reflection of the worst and the best candidates America has to offer. It is unfathomable that a presidential candidate could insult people, incite racism and fear but that is exactly what is happening. As 2016 progresses, the contrast between ideologies and candidates will become even more apparent and we will witness fanatical support on each side. 2016 will push the boundaries of human emotion.

The 9 Universal Year stresses letting go of what no longer serves our greatest and highest good and sometimes in order to do so, we need to identify what we need to release. We have to come to a decision by making observations and comparisons of good and evil, light and darkness, love or hate. What will humanity choose?

The 9 Universal Year brings completion and will even influence global economies that are unstable as well as governments that no longer function.

In 2015, the United Nations Climate Change Conference took place but 2016 will demonstrate how important this meeting was as we will experience extremes in weather. Storms will be described as the “strongest ever recorded.” The Universe is about to place emphasis on our obligation to take care of the planet we all live in.

To use the energy of the 9 Universal Year in a positive way, we must refrain from prejudice and be compassionate to our fellow brothers and sisters no matter what their religious beliefs are. We must choose to be tolerant, non-judgmental, charitable and forgiving in order for a 9 Universal Year to reward us. 2016 will be revolutionary when it comes to civil rights and human rights. It will also offer us many opportunities to help our weaker brothers and sisters.

See Also
Gemstone Advent Calendar Day 17 - Ruby

2016 will be a turning point and although it may seem tumultuous, it is very necessary in order for mankind to evolve. We simply have to trust in the Divine plan and know that in order to change the world; we have to go through change itself. As we close doors in 2016, we need to remind ourselves to turn around and look forward to 2017. We need to trust the process that in order to begin there must be an end.

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About the Author

Alison Baughman first discovered Numerology as a child, studied it for a lifetime and began her professional career as a Numerologist in 1999. Today, Alison is a professional Numerologist, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, author, lecturer, and radio personality. She is the author of the highly rated book on Numerology, “Speaking to Your Soul Through Numerology” available on Amazon.

If you are interested in more predictions on 2016, information, or to schedule Alison for an interview, please visit or email Alison at

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