Caroline Myss: Challenges of a Spiritually Conscient Person
Sylvia Henderson: So, when you say people don’t–they don’t pay attention to their conscious, that’s that inner knowing whether or not they’ve crossed the line somehow in their integrity–is that what you’re speaking of?
Caroline Myss: Conscience is the word that’s attached to the sacred. Conscience is the word that has consequences. Is this good, is it evil, is it right, is it wrong? Your conscience is the part of you that takes you into reflection; that causes you actually to have to answer to things and others and yourself. It’s your conscience that connects you to your intuitive system, to your gut instincts, to a sense of the sacred, to sense that I have to be accountable. It’s your conscience, not your consciousness. Consciousness is–what does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything. It’s an empty [unintelligible] word. It has absolutely no meaning at all. It has no attachment to the sacred, nothing. There’s no consequences to whether or not you have a consciousness about anything. It’s–you’re on your own. But, when you have a conscience you have to act on it. It will disrupt you. It will create consequences in your biology.
Sylvia Henderson: What do you believe is happening right now on the planet? Is humanity at a tipping point, or have we gone beyond the tipping point?
Caroline Myss: Well, that’s not simply answered. But, I will say that I think we’re at the most critical turning point in the history of civilization. I mean, that’s a big mouthful, and it deserves time and an explanation. This is not–I’m not an Armageddon sort of person. I don’t believe in that. But, I think you would be foolish not to sit back and recognize that there is–we’re at the end of a certain type of life and the beginning of another. We have–we are–when we entered the nuclear age everything shifted, everything about us, about the way we relate to each other, about our values, about the way in which the–we entered an age of energy where we started a different type of society. We are now–change is now immediate in our world. Everything happens simultaneously. The slightest change in one nation, the slightest conflict, the slightest crisis impacts the whole. As individuals, we are in touch with everybody via the Internet. And one person acting either in rage or in inspiration can now impact the whole through Facebook or the–communicating something on the Internet. So, one person has a profound amount of power. And, in every way possible, the way the mystics understood the world, within the mystical law, where what is in one is in the whole has manifested itself through the Internet. So, you could think that the Internet–we have an Inter-net that is manifested on the Internet. So, we are wired together, and we’ve duplicated that in technology. And the way e-mail works is the way prayer works at a distance. We are psychically–we’ve psychically duplicated ourselves technologically. And we are–everything in the world is now wondering whether it’s going to survive, from species to whether or not we’ll have enough water, to whether or not we will have enough food, to–for the first time in the history of humanity we have ecological refugees. We don’t know if we will–every day we are like Prometheus in Zeus chasing the fire and wondering if they’re going to open Pandora’s Box again, which is a nuclear holocaust. We are living in a sense of transition in the age of the unthinkable, where the unthinkable can happen every single day. We are on the verge of entering a galactic community, which is challenging every single mythology of every single religion. All religions have an earth-centric god. And because we’re about to enter the galactic community, all religions are no longer able to sustain themselves and their stories. And this is why there’s a collision of the gods. I mean, this is what the rise in fundamentalism is about. So, it’s a very complex question that you ask. And it’s one that is–if you understand all of the components of what is really at stake, you glean that this is the greatest turning point in history. We are about to enter a galactic era. We have more destructive power than our morality can manage–and our ethics. We, in our soul, know that we are on the precipice of either rising to this great challenge or truly destroying each other because we must become a global community. And essentially we don’t want to do that. It sounds very good on paper, but it is not something we can manage because we did not grow up that way. We are not the generations who will accomplish that goal, but it must be accomplished. We are the ones who can speak about it.

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