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Understanding Core Numbers for Twin Flames & Soulmates

Understanding Core Numbers for Twin Flames & Soulmates

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Learn how to use your Core Numbers in Numerology to identify your soulmates.

Understanding Core Numbers for Twin Flames & Soulmates

by Helena Roman



The Core Numbers are derived from the numbers hidden in your birth date and full name. The Core Numbers can provide a lot of detail about an individual. You’ll first need to begin developing a personal understanding of what each number represents and symbolizes. After you have an understanding of the Core Numbers, you’ll be able to see how their influences play out in your own life.

As you develop a greater understanding of the Core Numbers you will also come to see how the numbers can offer clarity, guidance, help, and assistance. With patience and practice, you can use the Core Numbers to give speedy, insightful and accurate readings that can assess an individual’s talents, strengths, and weaknesses.

Before any reading, it’s important to understand and remember that we’re all more than mere “numbers” and “labels.” Yes, for instance, having a certain Life Path number may mean that a person is structured, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be dynamic and fun as well. Having compassion for the person you are reading for can be as important as the clarity and insight that you can offer them. The purpose of any reading should be to find ways to lead a more healthy, balanced and conscious life. In your readings that you give to others, you’ll learn to use your own judgment, be constructive and have fun!

LIFE PATH NUMBER: Your most significant Numerological reveal is based on your date of birth. It refers to your personal life path and journey.

SOUL NUMBER: This reveals what aspects, traits, and virtues your Soul possesses. The Soul Number is derived from the numbers hidden in your full name. When we’re younger, this is often the name given to us at birth and the name on your birth certificate. However, later in life, this number is often based on the name most people know us by, such as a married name or nickname.

OUTER NUMBER: The Outer Number Reading is a reading based on your full name, including first, middle, and last name. The Outer Number reveals what traits you possess regarding spirituality. The Outer Number is derived from the letters, specifically the consonants, in your full name. When we’re younger, this is often the name given to us at birth and the name on your birth certificate.

DESTINY NUMBER: This number is based on significant aspects of your full birth name and date of birth, similar to your Outer and Soul Numbers. This reveals your “final outcome,” including Karma.

MATURITY NUMBER: The Maturity Number is derived from the numbers hidden in your birth date and full name. As you develop a greater understanding of your personal numbers within your Numerology chart, you will also come to see how the numbers can offer clarity, guidance, help, and assistance. With patience and practice, you can use your numbers to get speedy, insightful and accurate readings that can assess an individual’s talents, strengths, and weaknesses.

BALANCE NUMBER: Your Balance number can present you with the basic guidance on how best to deal with difficult, complicated, stressful or daunting circumstances. When under stress, the clues provided by your Balance number may help you to find a way to find peace of mind. Of course, we all experience different reactions to our personal challenges.



When you calculate your own Numerology, you can also calculate those same numbers for someone else, including your soulmates (friends, family, co-workers, bosses, lovers, husbands, wives, even your 3rd cousin twice-removed.) Everyone in our lives who we meet during this lifetime is a soulmate for us. I am even a soulmate for you because I’m teaching you something new.

Soulmate Numerology refers to how your own numbers add up and compare parallel to someone else’s. Twin Flame numbers refer to the same, and in most cases, Twins will reveal matching numbers and meshing numbers.

MATCHING NUMBERS: When the numbers on your chart reveal the same numbers on someone else’s chart. For example, my Destiny Number is an 8 as is my Twin Flame’s. My Soul Number is an 8 and my Twin’s Soul Number is also an 8.

MESHING NUMBERS: When your numbers added together with their numbers reveal one of your individual numbers. For example, my Life path Number added to my Twin’s Life path Number adds up to his original number. Mine is a 9, he is a 5: 9+5=14. 1+4=5.


Twin Flame Numbers: 1,2,4,8,10,11,12,14,18,21,22,44,88,101,111

1 – Ascension, Universal Harmony, Peace, Twin Flame, Warning

2 – Ascension, Twin Flame, Warning

3 – Spiritual Awakening, Warning, Path

4 – Ascension, Twin Flame, Warning

5 – Balance, Darkness, Clarity, Warning

6 – Yin, Darkness, Warning

7 – The Lord’s Number, Blessing, Warning, Spirituality

See Also

8 – Ascension, Twin Flame, Infinity, Balance, Wisdom

9 – Yang, Ascension, Journey

It’s important to always remember that combinations of numbers also hold meaning. Since you ALWAYS ADD TO A SINGLE DIGIT, the Numerology typically is read from Numbers 1-9. When you see a 2 or 3 digit number, you always have the options to add to the single digit. For example, a number 29 could mean Ascension, Twin Flame, Warning, Journey. Or, one could take the most obvious meaning and add 2+9=11 revealing Ascension, Universal Harmony, Peace, Twin Flame, and Warning.

Often, numbers will reveal themselves in sequence. Times, dates, and so on can all hold valuable meaning in a Numerology reading or report.

When we see numbers in ascending order, this means that your vibration is increasing. When we see the numbers appear in descending order, this means that the opposite is true, or that our vibration is lowering. For example, if one sees 123445 in direct sequence, this is a set of ascending numbers. An example of descending numbers would be 554321.

When we see series of Like Numbers (for example, 8888) and later on, we see another set of Like Numbers increasing (for example, 999), this means that our vibration is increasing. One can also take it a step further and add to the single digit.

If we look around, we will always see numbers and can learn to intuitively see each meaning and message that we are receiving. Good luck!


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About the Author

Helena Roman, LRMT, is an internationally acclaimed, fourth-generation psychic and medium, Reiki master and teacher, published author, and lecturer. Helena currently resides in the suburbs of Springfield/Longmeadow, Massachusetts. For information regarding Helena’s public appearances and services, please visit her media website:

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