How to Create Good Energy Health

Medical intuition and energy medicine is the health care of the future. Now is the time to become more aware of your energy health. As Albert Einstein taught us, energy is indestructible. It cannot be created nor destroyed. It simply changes form. At physical death, your energy self lives on. Energy exists beyond the confines of time and space and is more powerful than the physical body. When you activate and harness your energetic vibrational power, you can heal, restore, and sustain your physical body, your emotions, and your mental health.
Many of the people that I work with as a medical intuitive have poor energy health. They may be overburdened with toxins and negativity, or energetically out of balance due to absorbed environmental and harmful energy. Good physical, mental, and emotional health begins with a strong energetic constitution. Disturbances and toxins in the energy body are at the root of many illnesses, chronic physical pain, emotional imbalances, and mental disorders. Once energy comes into balance and positive life force energy replaces toxic and stagnant energy, the body responds and heals. A healthy energetic body also reduces emotional and mental stress, anxiety, insomnia, and exhaustion. It restores endocrine system health, balances our hormones, allows us to lose weight, and restores the muscular and skeletal systems.
The first step to establishing energetic balance and flowing with high-vibration life force energy health is to activate the power of your spirit and take charge of your life. You can regulate and control what you absorb and interact with. Your spirit is the eternal part of you that is connected to the highest vibrations of love and wisdom. As your conscious personality self comes into alignment with your spirit, you act as one force of unified power. You attract and unite with the positive, so that the dark, negative, and dysfunctional is repelled.
Your spirit speaks to you through your intuition. On a daily basis, your intuition can guide you toward those situations, activities, thoughts, emotions and environments that uplift and increase your positive energy quota. Every day you knowingly and unknowingly make choices that either promote good energy health or add an energetic burden to your body, mind, and emotions. Your intuition can steer you away from people who have ill intent as well as those individuals who drain your energy or try to unload their negativity or stress on you. It can help you to avoid dangerous situations and, instead, point you in the direction of those circumstances that fill you with love and strengthen you. Your intuition can help you know the source of what is exhausting and depleting your energy reserves and is adversely affecting your mind, body, and spirit.
Intuitive guidance is usually quite simple and straightforward. Listen to your body. Pay attention to what stimulates a queasy, uneasy, gut feeling of stress and dread, nervousness, and tension. Your body does not lie. Feel your emotions. Notice what fills you with dread, provokes anxiety, fear, stress, and apprehension. Pay attention to negative self-talk and replace it with affirming and supportive thoughts. Listen when your inner voice tells you that something is “off” or “not right.” When you get an intuitive flash of danger or a warning, do not override it with overly logical arguments. Remember your dreams and work to decipher their message. Your intuition will often work through your dreams to bring to light what your conscious mind is denying.
Appearances can be deceiving. What you see and perceive in the physical material world is not always what it looks like. Be willing to explore the energy of all that you come into contact with and make positive choices.
Energy Health Emotional Clearing Exercise
If you feel that you have absorbed toxic emotional energy like pain, anger, and grief from another individual or a situation, this exercise will help you to clear your energy field to regain energy health.
Take a long deep breath. Breathe and relax, and allow your emotions to surface. Begin by putting words to your emotions. It sounds simple, but we do not always identify how we feel and the source of our feelings.
Focus on one emotion at a time. Ask yourself if this feeling is being generated from within you or if you have absorbed this feeling from an outside source?
Take a moment and breathe a few long deep cleansing breaths. Listen within. You will soon have a sense of whether or not this feeling has originated from within or if you have absorbed it from another. Trust your initial intuitive response.
If you intuit that this is a feeling that you have absorbed from an outer source, intend to let it go. You do not need to know who or where it came from. Simply breathe and intend to let go and release what is not yours.
If this is a self-generated emotion, ask within for guidance as to what you need in order to heal or transform. Give the emotion a voice and listen to it. Most of the time, all you need to do is feel your emotions, even the difficult ones, and they dissipate.
This may be a long or short process. If you need help in resolving and understanding how to emotionally heal ask for the advice or counsel of someone who you trust or a therapist.
Quite often, the toxic or negative emotions that we absorb from others also lie dormant or repressed within ourselves. Listen to and become aware of the emotions within you that may be similar to what you are receiving from others. In this way, you can both release and heal on a deep level.
Love is the most powerful and health-promoting energy here and in the unseen realms. Whatever you are feeling that does not vibrate to the energy of love is an energy drain on your system. At your core, you are love. It is always within you. Love can heal your physical body and empower you to experience the goodness in all of life, no matter what your current circumstances may be.
Release your anger, grievances, and forgive yourself and others. Every day, acknowledge and express gratitude for all of the good in your life. Open your heart and call forth the love within. Let it move through you and invigorate and restore your body, mind and spirit.
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About the Author
Sherrie Dillard (Durham, NC) has been a professional psychic, medium, and therapist for over twenty years. She has taught intuition development at Duke University Continuing Studies, and has led workshops and classes on spiritual development and spiritual healing nationally and internationally.

Sherrie Dillard has a M.Div. in New Thought Counseling and Metaphysics and has over twenty-five years as a professional intuitive, medium and New Thought Counselor. She is the Best Selling author of Discover Your Psychic Type, Love and Intuition, and You Are a Medium published by Lllewellyn Worldwide; and The Miracle Workers Handbook: Seven Levels of Power and Manifestation of the Virgin Mary published by O Books.