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Lynn Zambrano: HSP and Living Consciously

Lynn Zambrano: HSP and Living Consciously

Lynn Zambrano_HSP_omtimes

OMTIMES: What advice would you give to someone that is an HSP or empath that would want to develop their Spiritual gifts and become a teacher like yourself, but without all the vulnerability given by this condition?

Lynn Zambrano: There is no magic wand, you must face your shadow self, walk through any fear and realign with the truth of who you are. Whether you call it higher self, holy self, consciousness or God, you must come to know that this is your essence and do your inner work. This “vulnerability” is a precious gift, it is a constant reminder that you have the choice to react to live in self-identification mode or relate to the world from a stance of love and understanding from consciousness mode. A spiritual teacher must know the truth and operate from the knowing that we are all one. This “vulnerability” is your call to awaken, discover the truth and lead others, yet first you are called to re-balance self.

OMTIMES: When you awakened to the fact you were an HSP-empath, were you accepted by your family and immediate community?

Lynn Zambrano: I suppose it was a mixed response, at the time there was little information in the media about what an HSP or empath was. My family had to go through a learning period however I was accepted and supported (I always was… after all I never stopped being who I am. I just acquired a descriptor). The nursing arena was a bit different while I did have supportive colleagues there were others that saw me as odd. I didn’t fit the mold, which I find amusing because many nurses are closet HSP and empaths. They feel the calling to comfort, support and ease suffering, which is why they became nurses.

See Also

OMTIMES: Intuitive healing and Spiritual counseling are very special practices. In your own practice, do you use any tools, such as Tarot cards, Oracle cards, crystals etc.? If so, why?

Lynn Zambrano: When I began doing my inner work one of the tools I liked was cards. If you use cards as a focus of self-inquiry they become a method of discovery. If you draw a particular card, then read its energy or meaning you have a point to reflect on. How is that theme expressed in me or around me? I also used them as tools to validate what I knew intuitively. I don’t use them very often now; I trust what I’m sensing. Crystals have long been used in healing work. I do caution newly awakened sensitives to choose them wisely. Some amplify energy and some ground, etc. A person who is already amped up energetically may not be benefited with extra amplification.

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