Lynn Zambrano: HSP and Living Consciously

OMTIMES: We happen to know you like both tarot cards and Lenormand cards. Do you use them together, or separately? What is the difference between them?
Lynn Zambrano: A tarot deck has 78 cards and they are read individually. Tarot is based in feelings, it relates to the how and why we believe or react as we do. The elements are represented in its suits and in the major arcana, and particular cards aren’t good or bad, it is what it is. The Lenormand is a deck of 36 cards and in this system there are cards that are more positive or negative. These cards are read in pairs and gives the facts of the matter, very objective, and is useful when looking at particular situations or what’s happening externally. I would choose a deck depending on the nature of the inquiry. I would not read them together for the same question.
OMTIMES: Do you have anyone inside the Spiritual & &Paranormal, Metaphysical industry that had inspired you to become the professional you are today? If so, who?
Lynn Zambrano: I’m a big reader, I love books. It is interesting that each crossroad on my own journey a new author or book would land in my lap, giving me a teaching I was ready for. When I was younger I read many books on different spiritual paths, one of my favorite series was that of Lynn Andrews, which was rooted in Native American shamanism. Yvonne Perry and Elaine Aron have both written books on empaths which are helpful. Eckhart Tolle’s teaching found their way to me as well as Byron Katie (whom I suggest for all HSP for coping skills using “The Work”). Dr. David Hawkins gave me insight into energy frequencies and emotion. Recently I’ve read Nouk Sanchez “The End of Death” which also offered the opportunity for more spiritual growth. Some people think if you’re teaching you know it all… the best teachers are also students, always aspiring to a greater level of spiritual growth.

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