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Mind Parasites and Purification

Mind Parasites and Purification


Our fears are not real. They are mind parasites.  However, if we give them our belief, they have the power to create a distorted reality through our body vehicles, and this is how archons (mind parasites) manifest in the material world.

Everything is mind. We create with the mind. Many humans have mind parasites that hijack the creative process to create fearful situations at all levels that then feed the parasitic archons, the fake rulers of our planet.

It is my wish for every sentient being locked in this fear-based society to see the truth of what it is that controls them. Nothing but a weak, pathetic, soul-less, power-less parasite that must be crushed. Fear has no real power, but it can fool you as it can create illusion through you because it is YOU that is powerful! As an awakening soul on the path, do not be fooled into believing that lower vibrational entities do not exist, for they do exist both within you and without you, and this is why we see evil in the world in this timeline at least. It is the timeline we are changing.

As more Light from the heavenly realms of the Most High God pours forth into the solar system, it is time to start recognizing your power and responsibility to ground this Light and to activate the hearts and souls of those that sleep. You have the power to initiate massive global healing, but you must recognize this holy power, and you must walk through the door where fear may not tread.

Purification of body, mind, soul and spirit is the key. All must be cleansed and purified. As above, so below. As within, so without. Accept responsibility as a part of the body of the Mother Sophia for the state the world is in. There is no one being that is more responsible than another for we are all part of Sophia while we are incarnated here. Without accepting this responsibility, how can we be free and sovereign?

The step towards this sovereignty and balance throughout the creation starts with each individual. Cleanse and purify through transmutation. Focus on cleansing the mind, removing parasites and returning them to the Light of the ultimate Source of All That Is to be reassigned according to the Divine plan.

Fasting, violet fire, drinking blessed water, prayers, ritual are all ways to purify. Purification is a gradual process. As you remove parasites and lower vibrational energy from your vessel, you must call in the new Light from the ultimate Source of All That Is to flood your body according to your highest good. Always fill the space created by transmutation with Light and declare yourself a clear channel for this Light to pour forth into the creation according to the Divine plan made manifest. We are restoring the plan to Earth.

Your purification ritual need not be complicated or lengthy. It just needs to be heartfelt. Before each ritual, you must connect with the Heavenly Father Most High and Earthly Mother, while balancing the energies in your heart. In fact, at all times maintain a pillar of Light (unconditional love) that connects from your heart to the heart of Mother Earth, and also from your heart to the Great Central Sun, the Heart of All that Is. By maintaining a pillar of unconditional love around you that anchors into the Earth and also the Most High, you will be able to connect to your Highest Self without being influenced or blocked by the negative energies that are currently being cleared from the lower astral realms of the fourth dimension.

At first you may feel silly, like you are acting or playing a game, but stick with it and be persistent. Remember, every parasite and lower vibrational energy that resides within your being will be getting riled up. The more cleansing you do, the more these parasites will fight for their illusionary lives. The key is persistence. Inevitably fear will come up, but remember this un-earthing is all part of the transmutation process. Allow and connect to the Most High asking to be guided through the fog. It will be beyond worth it. Most of the time people give up when faced with the final battle, so call forth the power of Divine will and power to give you strength. Remember that fear is an illusion and the only weapon. Reveal and dissipate the illusion within your own subconscious and create a pure reflection of peace and balance in line with the Divine plan of the Most High Source of All That Is.

Fear is so ingrained in the psyche that it takes some kind of wake-up call that demonstrates beyond any doubt the truth about your power and responsibility in this creation. Many so-called lightworkers must wake up to the truth that this is more complicated than choosing between fear and love. We must know how to defend against fear because regardless of our choice there are entities of our own creation that will disappear as we purify who love to interfere by use of fear. They think it’s quite amusing that we submit to them when we, as humans, are infinitely more powerful when we engage our Higher mind. Fear is their only weapon, and it’s not real.

The tactic of mind parasites is to first paralyze with fear and then drain of light/energy. It’s like milking a cow, and it’s a sickness that must be cured because the Most High God has had enough!

Raising your vibration incrementally, according to your highest good, so that your body/personality vehicle can adjust is crucial to being able to heal yourself and ultimately others. To be able to live the way and to truly raise your vibration, you must know how to properly deal with fear. At the point you are ready to break free, you will be tested.

There is a mass removal of parasites happening right now. The cleansing portals are open, activated and operating with the protection of the Most High God. Focus your intention on the removal through these portals of all low vibrational energies of less than 100% Light and love that are not serving the creation for the highest good of all. Ask for all low vibrational energies to be returned to Source with unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and no judgment, so that they may be returned to the creation according to Divine will for the highest good of all and as part of the Divine plan manifest.


See Also

Powerful Mantras to Assist with this Purification Process of Mind Parasites:

I AM a Being of Peace

I AM a Being of Balance

I AM a Being of Harmony

I AM a Being of Purity

I AM a Being of Wholeness

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