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Revolt! A Word and World Review

Revolt! A Word and World Review


Certain words grow on us, perhaps a bit like moss. We grow to recognize how important and valuable they can be in our lives; even guide us in the direction we take. We discover words many of us may deem inappropriate suddenly, or over time, find themselves incorporated into our active, general lexicon or reserved for judicious, personal use.

One such word that I and a few other of my online friends discovered rings true with us begins with an A. No, not the salacious ‘adulterer,’ or the fiscal ‘affluent;’ imagine the surprise to find ‘anarchist’ as an apt description of one’s alignment with like-minded change makers!


Revolt: A Call to Change

Perhaps it is not a huge surprise, then, to take a look at the word ‘revolt.’ It is a very energetic word, to re-volt, or reenergize something. In these days of change, as has happened in the past, the call for a revolt or a revolution (in the larger sense) is upon us. We are each called to ‘revolt,’ or add a spark of new energy to what we do and who we are.

On a personal level, I find this is most true for me in the realm of health and wellness. We could write about the many steps, hints, and tips that it may take to reach a new plateau. Before any of them can be entertained, we must first ‘revolt’ against the status-quo. When our current health situation (no matter what it is) no longer works well for us, we must give new (or renewed) energy to making a change happen.

So, when it comes to ‘revolt,’ before we can seek to identify what needs to be changed, and there are many changes ahead, we must first commit to being part of the energetic ‘revolt,’ or reinvigoration, associated with change. As energetic beings, we must connect with the bold Fire element we hold within us. Learning again, as we do over time, how best to apply that fire-based energy without getting burned by it.

The mindful application of the electrical sort of energy necessary for ‘revolt’ means that we have to see in our mind’s eye a particular energy level and surge or strive to achieve it. How do we do that?

Each of us is very good at comparison. Humans tend to thrive on competition, comparison, and judgment, and are often known for using these combative energies in a negative way, to our own detriment. Instead, let us turn those abilities around to encourage our personal and group minds toward envisioning a new image of where we need to be.


Revolt: New Energies, New Vision

As more of us around the world feel disillusioned and dis-empowered, we are going to mindfully apply new energies to (re-energize) various aspects of our lives. Quite a few of us are concerned with clutter in the household, and have made a mindful shift of getting rid of ‘stuff’ in order to make space for expansion and mindful placement of supportive energies in our own personal space.

Those of us with a mindful eye on the environment call into question long-standing practices of waste disposal, toxic waste disposal especially, mountaintop mining, hydraulic fracturing practices, tar sands exploitation, and large-scale destruction of trees in various parts of the world that have a real impact on wildlife and quality of the air, water, and weather that extends to other regions of the planet. We find ourselves aligning in energetic purpose, and perhaps social revolt, with the indigenous groups who have an even longer vision of what it means to pass down the beauty and resources of mother earth for several generations to come.


Revolt: Removing Corruption and Injustice

The systems that have served us, much like our other physical infrastructure, have fallen into disrepair. Our improved technology places us in closer contact to the point where we realize it is not just the inconvenience of one lingering pothole, here, or unfortunate circumstance of a young person who slips through the cracks, there. Widespread dangers of bridge collapse, huge sinkholes, and human trafficking point to the lingering negativity that abounds around the world.

The very energies and currencies that drive national economies are being investigated and found to have corrupt underpinnings: cronyism, fraud, kickbacks, and disreputable actions at the upper echelons of governance make those ‘below’ wonder just how far the sociopolitical contract has been broken…and for how long.

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We are able to see the differences in basic human rights that exist around the world and we abhor the imbalance—and rightfully so. Women and minorities who have often received (and perceive) much of the injustice continue to reach and re-energize efforts of mindfulness and equality in a world that is often very out-of-balance for most of them. Uniting in the common cause of sanitation practices is a way of revolt, born out of necessity.


Revolt: Understand the Paradox

Revolt means overcoming quite a lot; a large measure of fear and abject terror, which many grow to move beyond. We are somewhat forced to understand the paradox. When we get ‘sick and tired’ of being “sick and tired,” nature does provide stores of renewed energies within that we can call forth. Revolt happens at the right time, when all the conditions are right.

This is what makes revolt, contradictorily and coincidentally, perfectly timed and unexpected: Our personal energies align with the natural ones of change to bring forth something completely different. If we feel called to a particular purpose or destiny, it could well be that before anything new can come about, the gathering of our intention, combined with the image or vision of where we “can” be, naturally and magically brings revolt into being.

Think about it: Are “you” a part of the revolt?

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About the Author

Kathy Custren is a mother of four, who strives for balance and has a deep respect for All. Interests include advocacy, the arts, communication, education, health, humanity’s cosmic origins, nature, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Visit her page “Consciousness Live” on Facebook, and her site at

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