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Susan Miller: AstrologyZone 2016

Susan Miller: AstrologyZone 2016

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Learning astrology is a slow process, for multiple synapses have to form in your brain, and that takes time. I do a lot of math on the fly because I know the positions of the planets and how fast they move whether in retrograde or orbiting direct. At other times, I go to the computer to get a precise mathematical aspect if the question is critical.

When I was in the delivery room having my first child Chrissie, the nurse told me that my labor was taking long—16 hours so far—so she was going to speed it up with Pitocin. I refused the medicine and my doctor agreed I should not have it. It was approximately Noon at the time, so in my mind I needed to get to at least six more hours, until 6:00 PM or beyond to be sure that my baby would be born with the moon in Aquarius. There are very few things you can control involving the birth of a child, but being in the middle of labor, I was able to, at least, try to do so by letting nature take its course. God is very wise, as he knows what kind of parent you will be before you know. You always get the right baby for you.

Nevertheless, a baby born with the moon in Capricorn, where the moon was situated that day before 6 PM might have produced difficulties with my baby’s eyes as it grew up. A serious genetic disease of the eyes runs through my father’s family. I had no idea when I would go into labor, of course, but now that I was in labor, and I knew where the transiting Moon was located for that day, and how fast that moon was moving, I could do some quick mathematical tables in my head. I asked the nurse to let me go at least five more hours of hard labor. I was in horrible back labor (they put tennis balls on my back to help me, but those didn’t work very well) and felt like hot molten lava was pouring into my spine and legs. Yet I was determined to try to keep my child safe from the genetic disease that was so rampant in my family and that, several years later, I was to learn I not only carried that gene but I would be afflicted by it too. (Today the hospital can do genetic testing in advance if you are very concerned.) The nurse thought I was insane to want to stay in labor, but I was sure about that decision. I had an entirely natural birth until the epidural, as I didn’t want medicine that I didn’t need. I kept my mind occupied (and away from the pain) by doing continual multiplication tables.

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