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Susan Miller: AstrologyZone 2016

Susan Miller: AstrologyZone 2016

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Chrissie was born with the moon in Aquarius, 2 degrees, at 7:39 PM, well beyond 6:00 PM on that day. Doing the math in my head often works correctly. So far, she shows no sign of having the genetic disease that I carry. I get medicine for the eyes every month, or I risk going blind almost instantly without it, as my aunt and several other relatives have suffered before the medicine was developed. I never wanted that horrible disease for my sweet baby girl, so opting for a longer labor during one day of my life seemed worth it all. My second child, Diana, was, quite by accident born with the moon in Aquarius too, 4 degrees, and I had no part in that! Sometimes the angels are all around you, helping you every step of the way. Dr, Chopra says that there are no coincidences, and I love thinking about that thought.

OMTIMES: What kind of preparation is necessary before sharing events that will take place over the course of an entire year?

Susan Miller: When I write my calendar, or to prepare for my year of articles for my website, my videos or my daily horoscopes, I will then study an entire year’s worth of aspects. First, I make do 312 charts. Each month has a new moon and full moon, so I make a chart for each of the 12 signs, first for the new moon, and then for the full moon. That’s 24 charts multiplied by 12 months, so all together, that comes to 288 charts. However, there are often more than one new moon or full moon in a month. Typically, I have to make 312 charts for a year. If a full or new moon falls at the end of any month, I will reprint that new or full moon for the following month, for my readers would continue to feel the influence of that new or full moon. Full moons and new moons are the great nodal points of any month, for all the energy of the month will heavily revolve around those dates. Eclipses fall on new and full moons, so those are even more important—on the average, we have four eclipses in a year—and those create massive change. I spend time looking at the aspects of all those new and full moons. I see if any large planets are changing signs, which is rare and, therefore, important if any personal planets such as Venus, Mars, or Mercury will be retrograde, and so forth. I look for the headline news.

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