What Is Your Welcome Sign?

by Veronica Valles
Choices –
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
~ Buddha, The Dhammapada – A New Rendering, by Thomas Byrom
Your Welcome Sign
Who is in charge of your mind? Yes…YOU are. Like the Buddha said, “We are what we think.” Ernest Holmes, New Thought writer and founder of Religious Science, wrote in Thoughts Are Things, “We enjoy new experiences and generally like life to be a continuing new experience. But just how big is the welcome sign that hangs over our heads?”
Take a moment and reflect on that question: How big is your welcome sign? What are you letting in the front door of your mind or the backdoor of your subconscious and what is sneaking in the crevices? Where do your thoughts dwell? Are your choices in alignment with how you want to thrive and not just survive? Are you living in the Happy Inn of Life or the House of Mirrors that reflect conditions that keep you running on empty?
What is really on your mind? Have you ever eavesdropped on your own conversations with yourself and others? Can you see how your outer life is a reflection of your inner life? Are you living like a mental acrobat in Cirque du Soleil, whose incessant chatter is all about the triple, doomsday threat – worry, fear, and doubt? Or, do you believe you live in a friendly universe and accept your GOOD? The difference between doomsday and demonstration of your good is simply your choices–first in mind, and then in action.
Turn on the news and we are inundated with the latest catastrophe or seasonal disease. Advertisers want you to take preemptive strikes on the flu, allergies, weight loss, etc., by consuming certain products. If we are not mindful and present, these collective patterns seep into our individual experience, and we become chained to the mass deception. We want to be healthy and happy, yet we are inviting disease and desperation, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Holmes also states, “It is certain that we consciously or unconsciously invite many of our aches, pains and illnesses. The person who is happy, joyous and gets a kick out of living is the person who is usually free from sickness; the opposite type of person is one who has the most physical complaints. If we are grouchy, unpleasant, irritable, resentful and fearsome, are these the welcome signs we hand out inviting similar irritating factors which contribute to our physical discomfort.”
This is not blame or shame when it comes to the experience of an illness. It is an opportunity for a direct experience of the mind and taking charge of what enters your internal home that then expresses in your life. If you are riding the Complain Train daily instead of the Gratitude Groove, then your welcome sign doesn’t feel very inviting. How do you want to shift those patterns of the past, deflect those predatory thoughts of “worst case scenario” and tune into “the best life ever” option? “With our thoughts we make our world,” said the Buddha. If we are stuck in the past or run by the sheeple-machine, our choices are diluted and our lives are polluted from the pristine Light that is our true essence. We are here to experience the highest GOOD for our soul’s expression and abundant living. Although we can’t control the outer world, we do have choices for our interior life that then expresses in new, healthy ways.
Dr. Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, said it succinctly in 1949, but this phrase has become prominent thanks to teachers like Joe Dispenza: “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” With the latest research in Neuroplasticity that reveals the possibilities of changes in neuropathways, as well as New Thought teachings emphasizing how changing your thinking (and feelings) truly can change your life, we are empowered to engage in life on our terms. We get to put out that Welcome Sign attracting our abundant GOOD, experiencing healthy and happy living as well as joyous relationships, diving into our creative expressions and doing whatever it is that makes our heart sing.
Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Truly, it can be as simple as writing clear affirmations and saying them daily while feeling into what it is you want to be and become, by aligning our choices with positive action, and listening to what we talk about with others as well as what is happening in our dreams. Pay attention. Be clear on how you want to live your life. Know that every thought sets the Universal Law into motion, and you will create the life that you want.
“Stop sending out invitations in a haphazard way,” says Holmes. It is such a simple recognition that if we want to live a happy life, we must make choices in alignment with what we desire. If you don’t like the welcome sign on your door, create a new one. Be empowered by conscious choices. Be awake to your mind and all that dwells in the basement of the subconscious. Accept your good and throw a party with a rowdy crowd of mystics cheering on your LIGHT. We are in partnership with the DIVINE.
Take a moment and move into your heart, your true source of wisdom. Center into your heart and visualize yourself walking up the stairs of a beautiful home. This is where your soul dwells, this is where your holy temple that is your body thrives and your mind creatively creates. What Welcome Sign do you see on your door?
Here are a few, new options to consider:
Perfect Health and Wholeness dances here.
Love dances here.
Joy dances here.
Abundance flows with ease and Grace always.
All is well and my life is GOOD.
I live in a friendly Universe, and I am fully supported in every way. Cultivate a spiritual practice with meditation, journaling, walking, and contemplation that supports the direct experience of your mind, infuses your thoughts with greater possibilities, and ignites your choices for positive living. Allow your welcome sign to be one that sings your highest GOOD into being and becoming.
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About the Author
Veronica Valles is an intrepid traveler, Visionary Catalyst and Creative Igniter. A licensed Spiritual Coach and Minister of Centers for Spiritual Living, Veronica is a peacemaker, poet, photographer, dynamic speaker, meditation facilitator and well-loved spiritual teacher. For more information: www.veronicavalles.com and www.facebook.com/SacredLivingDallas

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