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2016 Capricorn New Moon

2016 Capricorn New Moon


Astrology Forecast for the 2016 Capricorn New Moon

January 9-10, 2016

5:30 PM PST / 8:30 PM EST / 1:30 AM GMT

19 Capricorn 13

The 2016 Capricorn New Moon brings a good, long stretch to ground and get centered. It comes with a mega-dose of antidotes to the confusion that is swirling all around. They direct attention to where we are here and now, on this earth, where we’ve been and where we are heading.

The line-up is appropriate for January, which is named for Janus, the two-headed Roman god who looked both backward and forward. Capricorn’s goal-orientation generally concentrates on the path ahead, often far ahead. The 2016 Capricorn New Moon comes with incentive to reconsider and potentially recommit to that path and clean up practicalities that affect it.

Heart-based considerations weigh heavily in this process. Capricorn may be calculating, at times coldly so, and that bent is pervading interactions, relationships and financial matters now. It’s keenly attuning us to costs, to the return we’re getting on emotional and financial investments, and to the desirability and viability of certain arrangements for the long haul.

This awareness comes geared for action. We’re all primed to pull the plug, to cut out, back or away, to investigate, to clean up and restructure and, in selected instances, to commit — quickly, ruthlessly, determinedly, unapologetically. An appropriate guiding image is emptying a closet, sorting its contents into piles — keepers; repair; give away; toss — and actually following through with each decision.

The 2016 Capricorn New Moon bears the stamp of the two rulers of desire and money, Venus (representing earthly, mere mortal levels) and Pluto (representing super-sized impulses and experiences beyond conscious comprehension or control). Pluto is standing with the Sun and the Moon, both of which passed by the dark lord’s clarifying, purifying scythe en route to their meeting. Whatever we want, we want with a vengeance; whatever we don’t, we’re done with, no turning back.

Venus is in the clutches of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and this Moon and lord of structure, rules, convention, responsibility. They mean business and are delivering the worldly equivalent of Pluto’s imperative, with theme songs in the background: “Santa Baby,” alternating with “All The Single Ladies” (“If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it.”) No more window shopping. Want it? Buy it. Commit to it. Not really interested? Watch walls, obstacles and separations intervene to remove it.

Sounds easy enough, but there’s a catch: Your physical senses are operating at a disadvantage. Surface appearances are not the true story right now. Structure-loving Saturn is in a protracted argument with Neptune, lord of escapism, transcendence and illusion. Neptune is also, however, the lord of higher love — the elevated, spiritual counterpart of Venus’ domain. Venus is being pulled into this dust-up by virtue of her meeting with Saturn. The upshot is a demand to bring your heart’s desire into physical form. (If you’ve been fooling yourself about a situation, that fantasy could turn to dust as well.) Seeds planted under the 2016 Capricorn New Moon stand to blossom by the end of the month, when Venus links cooperatively with Neptune.

Before then, we’ll be giving the groundwork a good going over. This 2016 Capricorn New Moon comes on the heels of two gear shifts that issue marching orders to do just that. One is Mercury, ruler of our information and transportation flow, backing into Capricorn. His retrograde journey not only adds to the atmosphere of confusion and misunderstandings, but from this point on also underscores the Moon’s focus on foundations and goals. If there’s a glitch, a loose brick, a cracked support, a garbled piece of critical information, it is likely to come to your attention, with the benefit that you can do something about it now and be able to proceed reliably later. (For more on Mercury’s retrograde, read my survival guide.)

The other is Jupiter in the earth sign of Virgo going retrograde until mid-May, which will trigger many an opportunity to revisit and clean up systems, boundaries, structures and infrastructures that are emerging from the upheaval we’ve undergone since 2012. Bountiful Jupiter began helping Pluto with the reconstruction in September, and will beam his input directly again in March and June. Because Jupiter is stationing retrograde on the North Node of the Moon (which represents the collective, as well as the path in which we are headed), specific issues and circumstances of this week will ultimately play a role in our future.

See Also

Although the sorting may happen in a flash, none of the rest of this comes with a hurried pace. The pile-up in Capricorn is slow and methodical, laying foundations that will take a while to dry, planting seeds that will gestate before blooming. Instead of fighting it, enjoy the luxury of time. The ability to go deep and explore is at your disposal, now that Mars (ruler of our drive) has entered Scorpio. Use it to navigate fearlessly through the fog, to look at what’s beneath appearances and, more importantly, what’s beneath your feet, and to commit truly, madly, deeply to your heart’s streamlined, ever so worldly desires.

Order Kathy’s annual astro-overview to learn what’s coming in 2016.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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