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Braxton Cosby: Fat Free For Life

Braxton Cosby: Fat Free For Life


OMTIMES: How did you and Jamie Dukes of the NFL Network go about creating ‘Chacherisize’ for men? What is it exactly and how does it help the body?

Braxton Cosby: Actually, Jamie Dukes was the creative mind behind Chachersize, which is an exercise to music, specifically doing moves that are similar to the Cha-Cha slide. I added the piece for Chachersize for Men, which focuses on resistive training with a resistive band to music. Men like it, but ladies love it. They like to have a workout that emphasizes strength training – which can raise your metabolism by increasing your lean muscle mass – to really get the results they are looking for. Some people like it because it gets them the breakthrough they desire.

OMTIMES: Can you give me a little insight to your new health book, Fat Free For Life: 13 Principles of Guaranteed Weight Loss and Ultimate Health?

Braxton Cosby: This is a powerful book because it is unlike any other health book out there. Before I began to write Fat-Free For Life, I looked into what the marketplace had to offer. Many Fate free For Life_Braxton_ Cosbybooks gave you diet plans, exercise workouts, and starvation plans, but none of them seem to address the problem across the full spectrum of what I believe embodies creation: the mind, body and soul. Each of the 13 chapters in Fat-Free For Life addresses a principle. These principles are guides to help the reader learn more about themselves and customize a ‘health plan’ that works best for them. I give you the research (mind), spiritual (spirit) and the personal examples and testimonies (soul) to support how these principles work. Being a ‘Cosby’ book, you expect to laugh a little, so that’s where Cosby’s Corner comes in. A satirical look at my life where I share stories are funny enough to help you laugh at yourself, but honestly keep you on track to meet the goals you set before you. You’ll also find: foods that ramp up your metabolism, a weekly meal plan, frequent eating and exercise myths (debunked), the keys to self-empowerment, 3 effective ways to strength train and I offer you a chance to join the Eat Less Move More Campaign.

OMTIMES: You say ‘Guaranteed Weight Loss.’ Does this come with a money back guarantee as well?

See Also

Braxton Cosby: Lol. Maybe not, money back guarantee, but I assure you that if you put these principles into action, you will lose weight and hopefully gain confidence and strength to do so much more going forward.

Check me out online at, Twitter – @BraxtonACosby, and on Instagram @braxtonacosby.

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