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Freedom From Within

Freedom From Within


By Rick DiClemente

We keep getting fooled. We’re used to it. It’s a hypnotic dream.

“My, a storm is brewing.”

“I wonder what Iran will do next?”

“What if I run out of money?”

“I wonder if I’ll lose my job….”

“How can I keep my utilities on?”

People ask me if UFOs are ready to give it up: “I wonder if UFOs are going to disclose their existence now?”

The great Carl Jung came to the conclusion that UFOs were examples of the phenomena of synchronicity where external events mirror internal psychic states. As usual, he saw the UFO situation in a broader perspective than most. For Jung, the UFO images had much to do with the ending of an era in history and the beginning of a new one. In his introductory remarks to Flying Saucers, he writes about the UFO events:


“As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they are manifestations of psychic changes which always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. Apparently they are changes in the constellation of psychic dominants, of the archetypes, or ‘gods’ as they used to be called, which bring about, or accompany, long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche. We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring point enters Aquarius. (the Age of Aquarius)”


Quantum mechanics holds the answers and is here to stay and will probably take us a very long time to grok.

There is no “outside.” There is no “inside.” It sure sounds confusing, and that’s because it’s really so simple.” We’re all one thing”. That must be only for books, right? And poems? Well, if there is no inside or outside, what is there? There just is ISness, that’s what. We need to start noticing everything that happens “outside” of ourselves is merely a reflection of what’s going on inside. And that is why, if UFOs disclose their existence, it’s a symbol of us learning from another layer of knowledge that is becoming available from within—we are ready. That’s what astrology shows us.

What’s really going on now, amidst other sub-cycles, is that we are being liberated from within. How? By whom? By us, silly! There is only one mind. The collective mind.

It is time we liberate ourselves or else we will perish.

This does not mean that everything will be hunky-dory. Far from it.

We have to get out of this ancient, extremely antiquated mindset that God is up “there” somewhere making things happen down here on “earth.” And, if we behave according to someone else’s laws, it will all be okay. We now see how much we have been taken by our churches and their ownership mentality. Enjoying camaraderie is one thing, but to allow these “ministers and leaders” to turn our own minds off is quite another. It really is time that we all grow up and face what really is, and that is no simple task.

The more and more I look around the last half of 2015, what I have been seeing, clearly, is that the Age of Mea Culpa is over and dying. That means the l-o-n-g age of blaming ourselves is passing and dying. “Oh it must be my fault, I didn’t behave right!” Needing to sacrifice sheep or ourselves upon the altar in order to keep the gods happy does not work and is 100% fear-based. We don’t need that paradigm anymore.

I mean, come on. Enough movies. Enough crosses to bear.

I don’t have much more to say except that it’s just so obvious. We have been scared into behaving and supporting the church-state for so long and that is over now. It was all so easy to surrender so we didn’t have to own our own thoughts and ideas, eh?

See Also

There is no need to be frightened now, really. The door to the birdcage has opened and really, honestly, it is okay that we fly.

It’s happening on all levels. Do not wait for a UFO to come free you. Do not wait for Obama or Bernie to liberate your life. As we trade in the chains of old comfort, we get new liberation and freedom, and that means we need one thing, really: an inner-guidance system. Many call it the Holy Spirit. You will have your own name for it, such as Grace, God, “The Universe,” etc.

We already have one. We always have had it within. Don’t look to me; I have my own. You have yours, and it is wonderful. Don’t crash and burn worrying about “what’s going to happen in America?” What will happen is exactly what we choose, nothing more or less.

Celebrate; it is real, it is just starting—and let’s dump many truckloads of thanks upon all those tremendous souls that did all the heavy lifting in order to get us to this point in our evolution. Thank you. Thank you!

Don’t listen to anything by anybody unless the sounds of your own wings are included in their song.


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About the Author

Rick DiClemente is a professional intuitive astrologer, and author of the best-selling book, “The Exquisite Zodiac.” he brings alive the applied discipline of consulting with the cosmos for timeless wisdom that helps others better understand themselves, their relationships, and their lives. Rick has practiced astrology for over 35 years, and has presented numerous lectures, classes, and workshops. He makes frequent guest appearances at holistic expos and in the media. Discover more about Rick DiClemente at: and on Facebook.

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