The 3 Gifts of the Mind and Conscious Choice

We have been given three gifts that can make life beautiful, all of which are found in the mind. Some have even said, “I think therefore I am,” so it goes to show the conscious choice we make with our mind is of utmost importance. Here is a little more about those three gifts of the mind and how they can be used.
First, we have the ability to think, which is a wonderful gift. With our mind, we can think thoughts of love or fill our minds with anger and hatred. One creates inner peace and the other anxiety and stress – the conscious choice is ours. Second, we have the ability to communicate our thoughts with words. We can speak words of love or spew out words of anger and hate. One creates love and the other creates sadness and more anger – the conscious choice is ours. Third, we have the ability to take action on our thoughts and create accomplishments that help everyone, or we can take action to destroy and do harm – the conscious choice is, once again, ours.
How The Three Gifts of the Mind Relate to Conscious Choice
If we take the lower path, those three gifts of the mind lead to disappointment, the need for more and more material acquisitions and the need for pleasure all the time, which in itself creates its own kind of prison. If we take the high road, those three gifts of the mind lead to desiring nothing, giving whatever we have to others, and having compassion for humanity; thus, the end result is freedom.
The higher road leads to lasting peace with deep seated faith as well as a knowing that everything will work out, which allows us to sleep well at night. We come to know something larger than ourselves. God, the Universe, and the One and Only is at work for our highest good and all we have to do is follow.
The lower road leads to a mind full of chatter, trying to figure everything out with a constant dialogue that never stops, not even when sleeping. Most of the chatter has to do with judging others and comparing what we have to others. Eventually, this road leads to premature aging, mental illness, and depression because the mind and body never rest.
The high road eventually leads to going deeper, concentrating on our breath and learning to be at peace via meditation. Subsequently, allowing the outer world to do whatever it will do, while being in constant peace and contentment no matter what the outcome. Action is also important on the higher road, which means helping those who are suffering — either physically or spiritually.
Eventually, the higher road leads to listening to our heart, which is a mantra that constantly reminds us that we are nothing but love. When all the words we speak are full of love, our mind is full of love. Therefore, we no longer need to recite long prayers because our words become our prayers. When we help those who are in need and those who are suffering every day, we no longer need rituals because our life becomes a ritual of love. This is the noblest way of being.
Furthermore, those following the high road will eventually have their mind in constant contact with the divine. Everything they do, everything they think, everything they say is in direct relationship with God, the Universe, and the One and Only. There are many who have taken up this way of living and many who have taken on a whole new way of life. Their life embodies LOVE. Individuals, such as Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., all express this kind of deep love that they live every day.
Ultimately, it’s our conscious choice as to which path we will walk, and either one is fantastic. Some become lost, and some are found, while others wander the desert for years looking for that which will uplift them and make them feel great. Like moths gathering around a light, some fly off into the darkness and later come back to the light, while others stay close to the light all the time.
Truly, it’s all about our destiny. Eventually, we all walk into the light and are surrounded by bliss, but sometimes it takes millions upon millions of life times for us to get to that point and mature as souls, so that we can find our way home.
From one month to another flying around the light, may everyone take hold of these wonderful three gifts of the mind and thrive.
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About the Author
A Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, Dr. Paul Haider helps people to recover and feel healthy. You can find Dr. Haider on Facebook by searching Dr. Paul Haider and Healing Herbs.

Dr. Paul Haider is a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at - feel free to contact him any time.