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The Quest for Love

The Quest for Love


The Quest for Love and the Conscious Relationship

Are you feeling discouraged in your quest for love? Is a conscious relationship elusive? Has dating, or the lack thereof, left you feeling down and disheartened?  Help is on the way. With just a few minor adjustments, you too can find joy, happiness, and love. Whether you like flying solo in your conscious relationship, or seek a life partner.

Here you are, learning about love. Each experience provides powerful motivation as personal interactions have colored your thoughts and world, individually and collectively. You may think it’s best not to have expectations, as they can lead to disappointment, but everyone has them, even if they claim they don’t. When you identify expectations, aren’t you merely avoiding coming right out and saying what is “lacking” in you life? Think about that for a moment.

If you can be totally honest and identify areas of discontent, later you will be able to embrace the wisdom that is waiting to awaken. The wisdom that can move you closer to your desires, and the quest for love. Feelings provide clarity and hold a strong sense of promise. However, you’ve got to be able to admit, acknowledge, and do the work in order to turn feelings of lack and limitation into growth, expansion, and joy.

What matters most in a conscious relationship? If you were to create a wish list, what would be at the top of that list? If you desire a life partner, but in reality spend most of your time at work, you are hardly creating the space for love. No one has ever arrived at the end of their life wishing they had spent more time at work. I am not saying that work linked to a life a life purpose is not important and gratifying, because it is. I am saying that if you say that love is a priority, yet spend all your time at work, unless you meet at the workplace you are limiting your opportunities.

In order to find love, you have got to be open to love. When you discover you are love, love will inevitably come to you. Making a few changes will enable you to not only feel happier on your quest for love, but allow you to truly identify what is important, and what is not.

Take a moment. Breathe deeply. Allow burdens to be lifted from your heart. Let go of the day’s tension. Breathe in pure light and love. Breathe out stress, and unhappiness. Sometimes you’ve got to sort through the emotional clutter in order to uncover what is blocking you from attaining your desires.

Think about what you’d like your love life to look like. How does it feel? What is at the top of your wish list? Are you truly asking for what you want? If you desire a committed, monogamous relationship, are you saying so? If you are looking for friendship, are you honest?

Asking yourself important questions, and answering honestly, is intended to promote self-reflection. You may discover a part of you that has been dormant for some time, or perhaps, a desire you’d like to find in another person or possess yourself. You may not want a serious relationship at all. Your idea of what a partnership means to you, may have changed over the years. Perhaps the conscious relationship you are looking for is nothing like a traditional relationship. No matter what, you will uncover true desires, after unraveling everything you have been told, or have been telling yourself about love. Your quest for love may lead you back to you.

Illuminated truths are beautiful. They enhance experiences. You can bring them into conscious relationships. Share them. Like a mirror, desires and expectations will reflect back to you when they are authentic. The sweetness of love is in the process, the living of it, the experiencing, unfolding, changing, learning, and growing. Knowing what you want, and what you don’t. This is real. I’m not suggesting a laundry list of expectations that you wish to find in another person. I’m suggesting being true to you, by knowing what is most important to you and realizing you must possess and become what it is you desire. If you can do that, you will become an irresistible magnet for love.

Keep it real by knowing what you have to offer. I say “keep it real” because you can inadvertently become what the other person is seeking and wants you to be. Keep it real, by proclaiming what you want, confidently putting the intention out there, and knowing a loving, conscious relationship will naturally manifest. You will no longer be waiting. You can be happy and joyful now knowing it’s on the way. This is the Law of Attraction.

Every decision you make in your quest for love should feel good, empowering and strong. If you are feeling less than stellar, perhaps its time to ask yourself if you are keeping it real? Truths can be powerful catalysts, which cleverly illuminate what needs to change because of them.

Learn, grow, reflect, release, accept, and heal. All of these ultimately connect you with your authentic self, resulting in greater happiness and joy. This is part of ascending to a higher consciousness. Greater understanding will harmoniously follow when you keep your intentions real.

Intentions and expectations whether said or implied often require further explanation. If you want to be understood, explain. Communication is key. Say your truth with an open heart.

Will you experience disappointment? Sure, everyone does. Will you need to clarify your intentions? Sometimes. With great inner strength comes an assurance that where you are is exactly where you are meant to be. Let who you are be enough. Know that your desires are part of what makes you, you. Trust what is taking place, and let the energy naturally shift around you.

Represent your values honestly, and practice them by following through. Say yes, only when you mean it, and no, when you want to. Be reliable.

Stay grounded in your truth. The best place to be is where you are aligned with what feels good for you. Validation from the outside will never be enough. Self-validate. Love yourself. Keep your perspectives positive. Shine brightly and be bold.

See Also

Don’t make assumptions. Just because you think you are on the same page with someone doesn’t mean you are. If you want to be understood, explain yourself. Give others an opportunity to know you by sharing how you feel.

Communicate clearly. If you don’t know what you want in your conscious relationship, neither will anyone else. When you do know what you want, put it out there. The people you are meant to align with will naturally show up. The others will cause you to learn and grow.

Be completely present in the moment. Make it an amazing moment. Trust what is taking place. Go with the flow of life. Change is inevitable, embrace it.

Life is a wonderful journey. Embrace every moment and make today your best day ever. Whether you are married, single, widowed or divorced, there is one thing you have in common. Everyone wants to love and be loved. When you acknowledge this as a universal truth, you can experience love at any moment. Love resides within you.

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About the Author

Gia Dalton is a Visionary Writer, Author, Speaker, Coach, Teacher, and Intuitive Life Strategist. She operates a private concierge holistic practice, specializing in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture. “My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love.”

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