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10 Benefits to Keeping a Spiritual Journal

10 Benefits to Keeping a Spiritual Journal

Why Keep a Spiritual Journal?

Spiritual Journal_OMTimesA spiritual journal provides a written record of personal spiritual interactions. It is a great tool to help you document your spiritual journey. Journals are commonly acknowledged as an outlet to release thoughts, emotions and ideas, but when you read and reflect upon your entries, they can also serve as great means of guidance. When practiced regularly and honestly, your spiritual journal can provide you with insight into your thoughts and discoveries as well as assist you in cultivating a deeper understanding of your spiritual connection. All spiritual encounters are worthy of documenting. They are all contributions to your voyage that may result in profound connections you may not have otherwise made. The habit of spiritual journaling can strengthen your spirituality as it encourages you to dedicate time to your faith, beliefs, and spiritual insights. Your spiritual journal allows you to identify what is starving your spirit and often contains the answers on how to feed it.

Have you considered starting a spiritual journal? Here are ten benefits that will encourage you to start today.

Benefits for Keeping a Spiritual Journal

1. Acknowledge your blessings. They are all around us, sometimes they are apparent, other times we have to look a little harder, but they are always there. Writing about the things you are most grateful for will make you happier, inspiring inner peace and reinforcing your sense of connectedness.

2. Set spiritual goals. As you embark on documenting your spiritual journey, set goals that contribute to the big picture. Recording your goals will help keep you accountable and will allow you to track your progress. Develop a detailed action plan that identifies what tasks need to be accomplished to further your spiritual growth.

See Also

3. Document what inspires you. As German philosopher and poet, Johann Gottfried Herber, says, ‘Without inspirations, the best powers of the mind remain dormant’. Open your mind by seeking inspiration in all that you do. You may find it in nature, art, music, spiritual writings or acts of kindness displayed by those around you.

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