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What Do Seekers Really Seek?

What Do Seekers Really Seek?


by Geetika Timmins

Most seekers wade through life looking for that one thing that will connect us to our truth. That one treatment, workshop, class, article, book, wisdom, or practice that we can settle into and feel like we have arrived. Most of the time we really don’t know where we are headed; we just have this burning desire to be someplace where we can feel at peace, calm, and happy. A sense of being home. This desire propels us seekers into our journey as we keep searching for that connection and space, while not entirely certain where to find it or how it will really be once we get there. We listen to others’ experiences, we hear the confidence in their voices, we see happiness in their eyes, and we think maybe their way is the way. We jump onto their ride hoping it will take us home.

What is home? Is it another planet, a star system, a galaxy, a specific place on Earth, someone’s arms, a community? The space where we can rest our weary heads and can feel completely settled and feel like we belong. Where can we feel ourselves completely wholly and truly? Where can we seekers allow ourselves to be exactly who we are without any sense of need to fit in; where we don’t have do anything else that requires us to be eligible to belong?

This need of eligibility is everywhere–family, friends, school, work, community, culture, religion, etc. Every space we occupy has its own requirements to fit in. However well-meaning some may be, the essential message we receive is that we need to do something or show something of ourselves to be accepted. We feel we must adopt a manner, language, behavior, dress, or speech to fit it. In doing so, we are still adopting an outer reflection that might not be completely our truth.

Our desire to belong is greater than our confidence to be, and we believe that we are not enough. This belief is what keeps us from our ultimate truth, home, and resting space since our ultimate cocoon can only be found within ourselves–within the ultimate truth of who we are without any inflections. Yet, how will we seekers ever get there if our core belief tells us we are not enough?

We always have some of our identity borrowed by some guideline, which is followed by some institution that we aspire to belong to. We believe we need to be part of that something, which when we are accepted into, will be the answer to what we are looking for.

When we do go into something and still don’t find that space of rest, we believe something is wrong with us to have not found it, so we continue to look even more. We continue taking the class, workshop, practice, or teaching in an effort to adopt that one more thing we believe will lead us home.

How ironic that the only way home is when we drop the belief that we really need anything or anyone outside of us to take us there. The ultimate feeling of belonging to self comes only when we are willing to stand in our truth without any adopted beliefs, manners, and speech. It is realized when we are willing to be completely whoever we truly are and believe in ourselves.

These simple words have great power. I am enough. I do enough. I have enough. In saying these words, there is a letting go and a release of all the strain and stress we carry within our hearts and minds of trying to reach our destination. Our minds might not believe it, but our hearts ache to hear those words. Can I be enough just the way I am?

Allow these words to speak to you. Sit and observe the reasons the mind believes that it is not possible. Allow it to tell you its story. Hold those beliefs. Some of them will hold a strong energetic emotional charge, and those will require some degree of focused clearing work. Others will just come up for awareness and that is all you need to release them. Some, you may just not be ready to let go of. Those stories are still useful to you, and that’s perfectly okay too.

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manifesting OMTimes

Whichever way, whether you work through them or not, just continue saying those words, I am enough, I do enough, I have enough, as you hold them and caress them. Slowly begin to walk back the path of believing them and becoming them for they will guide you home.


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About the Author

‘I can heal myself’ are four words that led Geetika Timmins on a wondrous, continuous journey of self-exploration. She healed herself of skin conditions and thyroid imbalance and is now sharing her learnings with others. She believes anyone, anywhere, anytime can begin their journey back into their selves, and she hopes she can help them on their path of doing so.

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