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Archangel in the Red Tow Truck

Archangel in the Red Tow Truck


For over 25 years, I have lived and worked with a team of magnificent loving forces that call themselves, “the 12 Archangels of the Central Sun.” These Angels are the designers and mentors of Schoolroom Earth, the incredible planet where Souls come to learn the invaluable lesson that separation from our Creator is illusion. My own lessons never cease and I am convinced that a key component of manifesting Heaven’s vibration of love, abundance and freedom in daily life is empowered by our devotion and commitment to our own transformation. I am filled with joy to share my experience of receiving an unexpected Archangel rescue. I hope that by reading my story, you, too, will feel a sense of profound awareness that we are never without help on our journey.

Angels, like the mystical sphinx, amaze me at how they guide us through the densest conundrums of confusion. It is if they can move the hands of God and lift the veil so we can see. And once we can see, they move these benevolent hands to catch us just before we plummet into the deepest caverns of despair. My nighttime dream illustrates how Divine helpers always show up exactly when we need an intervention and we don’t even realize it.

My dream opens with my seeing myself as a petite and delicate woman (which I am not in waking life) driving a red sports car. Directly ahead of me, I see that the road is blocked with a makeshift fence and a big sign that reads, “Do not enter.” I am looking out of my windshield at workers busy repairing a deep hole that had suddenly appeared in the pavement. I am stuck with the engine idling, feeling completely helpless and vulnerable. Why did the hole in the road have to appear just as I needed to drive through the intersection? I can’t go forward or backward because there is a line of cars behind me. I think in my mind, “How long would it take for the hole to be filled and pavement to be repaired? Will it take hours? Will I be trapped in my car for weeks?” I begin to panic.

Out of thin air, a massive red tow truck appears on my left. There is not a lane to my left, not even a shoulder, but the flashy tow truck with “Ralph’s Tow Service” painted in bright purple lettering does not seem to notice. The next thing I know, I am sitting next to the driver in the front seat. I look out the passenger window and see that my abandoned scarlet red sports car is tiny in comparison. The driver is nearly as big as his great truck. He is not wearing a shirt and his chest has no hair. He has long, thick golden hair that looks like it was made of rippling sunlight. His features are a perfect combination of masculine and feminine. I see that I am wearing a cream colored silk dress with a soft green leaf print. Feeling uncomfortable with how attracted I am to this truck driver, I scoot away from him, as close as I can to the passenger door. But his magnetism is too strong and then he gently leans over and says to me with his mirth filled eyes and big smile, “will you marry me?” I immediately look at the ring on my left hand and know that I am already married. In real life, my husband’s name is “Michael.” I squeaked out, “NO, I am married to Michael.” The driver tells me that that is OK with him. He still wants to marry me…

And then I woke up from my dream with a start, like some kind of electricity had filled my body. I remember that I felt both weightless and euphoric. This intoxicating feeling was flowing through every atom of me. Alas, it was undeniably true, I had fallen totally in love with the half naked truck driver with the hair made of golden Light!

I dived right back into my dream to find out the identity of the mystery being, owner of the other worldly tow truck. As I closed my eyes and connected with the all-knowing Child that lives within my heart, I knew, without a doubt, that Archangel Raphael had come to rescue my inner “damsel in distress.” I went back into the scene where I was sitting next to him and proclaimed, “YES, I will marry YOU and I will stay married to Archangel Michael too!”

So what is the meaning of the dream? The young vulnerable female driving a red sports car represents the aspect of me that can feel easily overwhelmed by emotions (mine and humanity’s) because of my sensitivity. Apparently, I try to run away by staying on the go (sports car) so that I can avoid the deluge of feelings (red vehicles) that may flood my awareness at any given moment. The silk dress with the subtle print suggests that my subconscious believes I need everything to be smooth and calm. The fear of overwhelm is so strong that my subconscious was driving (again the metaphor of the red sports car) my life straight into a big hole. I might be able to hide in the abyss in the pavement but clearly it would also stop the forward progress of my life. Hence, the Angels stepped in to rescue me from my own (hidden) self-sabotage.

The saving grace for me is revealed in Raphael’s marriage proposal. This proposal is symbolic of two things, it represents the death of the ego that feels it is separate from the One Soul, and it represents an invitation to participate in an eternal partnership. Accepting to be fused with the sacred healing energy of Archangel Raphael awakens my God given creativity at new, unplumbed levels. To proclaim that I am already married to Archangel Michael, is the voice of heart saying, “I have the courage to slow down, respect my sensitivity and trust in my safety going forward.”

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Angels will always arrive on the scene, whether in a dream or in waking life to gently escort us through the intersection of change that we are facing. They reveal the illusion of separation before we throw ourselves off the cliff of fear. They will show up with a red tow truck when our limiting subconscious beliefs are about to drive us right into the abyss because we have been avoiding feeling our feelings. Our feelings are the truth serum that reveals to us what must be transformed in order for us to move forward in manifesting even greater happiness in daily life.

The 12 Archangels invite us to say, “thank you, God, for the Divine Intervention! I am grateful and happy to move out of feeling stuck and back into the flow. ” When Ralph’s Towing Service arrives, we can leave our old mode of traveling through life behind. Let’s choose to get in that awesome red tow truck. Let’s surrender to the arms of Raphael, and feel the eternal love that has come to take us safely to the next step in our successful lives.

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