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Is Excitement in Your Marriage Possible?

Is Excitement in Your Marriage Possible?

Excitement in Your Marriage?  Yes, It is Possible!

by Marcia Naomi Berger

Do you think marriage has to become boring after a while? That is a myth. You can add excitement in your marriage by branching out from your “same old, same old,” familiar, predictable actions.

Granted, we like routines. It’s nice to know we can count on our spouse being there when we go to bed and wake up. But this doesn’t mean that after realizing he (or she) is the one that the fun or excitement has to end.

It means to notice when it’s time to add excitement in your marriage. When an activity you used to enjoy on your own, or as a couple, no longer lights you up, it’s time to try something new–on your own or together.

If you enjoy your job, hobby, or other activity, you’ll sparkle. Your aliveness will be contagious; it will spice things up for both of you. So take a break from a routine. Do something different, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.


See Also
conscious love OMTimes

Snorkeling Adventure

My husband and I were vacationing in Maui with our son, then a toddler, which kept one of us on constant duty. While I took a snorkeling cruise, my husband watched our son. I love snorkeling in warm water, exploring the pristine habitat of fish. It had been years since I’d had the opportunity to do this.

This time, as I usually did when snorkeling, I kept swimming, searching for fish. I seemed to be working very hard for the reward of finding an occasional fish that would rapidly move out of sight.

Soon a current was jolting me toward hazardous sharp coral reef. When I resisted, it pulled me closer. After what seemed like an eternity of struggling, I noticed scores of fish beneath and around me, tiny black and gold striped ones and larger gray news, all swaying gently, so peacefully, like a metronome, slowly moving back and forth, toward the shore, toward the open sea, but just a foot or so in each direction.

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