Is Excitement in Your Marriage Possible?
By holding a short, weekly marriage meeting, a gentle, loosely structured conversation with your spouse, as described step by step in Marriage-Meetings-Lasting-Love, you’ll remember to keep arranging for different activities and adventures to do on your own and as a couple.
When you venture away from what is familiar, you are likely to discover new things about yourself and your spouse. You’ll add zest and excitement in your marriage. Each of you–and your relationship–will grow.
About the Author
Marcia Naomi Berger, MSW, LCSW, author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted (New World Library, 2014), is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist in private practice. A former executive director of a family service agency, she previously worked in the fields of child welfare, alcoholism treatment, and psychiatry. She teaches continuing education classes for social workers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, and counselors:
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