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Our Real Investment Return

Our Real Investment Return


The words, “return on investment,” or ROI for short, have a deep meaning to those in business and who keep track of how “sound” an investment of money or services may be. “What’s in it for me,” is another quasi-version of this same sentiment—that we have an expectation of seeing something positive as an end result or bottom line. Return on investment is seen as a tidy, logical, numbers-based ending that supports a plethora of business enterprises around the globe.

In today’s ever-changing world, however, there are new systems and paradigms springing up to meet critical needs. These are not necessarily tied to financial bottom lines, thanks in very large part to philanthropists and humanitarians. As technologies expand to include more of us, we are also able to see a greater need than ever before. The scope of our wonders is great…the scope of our needs, even greater.

We see new initiatives, and wonder why we had not thought of them sooner. If we learn anything, it is that all good things come in time, and hopefully when they are most needed. Nature is good about change; so perhaps what we need to focus on more is our role in that change, and how to best participate.

What it boils down to is this rather plain and simple statement: We are not asking the right questions.


Real Investment Return: Not Tied to Finance

Quite often, while many of the largest programs in the world may reach a lot of people in need, the smallest initiatives still have a profound impact. While there are big systems in place to handle any number of ‘things,’ when it comes to individuals, we still yearn for the personal touch. Nobody wants to feel like a number…whether it is a number in a waiting line or a financial number based often on status or income.

If we have gotten used to numbers and finance as hard definitions and proof of accomplishment or need, then shame on us. Would we turn people away or discount those who are truly in need because they do not have the right paperwork, or who are too upset in the midst of major change to tell us just what they might need? As it turns out, this is exactly what we do.

We seek change without pro-action, and not even nature does that. Instead of (yes, instead of) spending so much energy on wasteful actions, we could be spending important energy as a real investment to help those in need. Too often, we hear that it does not make sense to do it if there is no fiscally positive ‘return on investment.’

‘What is the purpose of funding special education,’ many ask. ‘What is the point? Where are the jobs? What could “those people” possibly do?’ Or, ‘Why give everyone universal healthcare or fund innovative treatments for diseases and illnesses? We are only going to die anyway of something.’ —Why, indeed?

Because we call ourselves “human” beings, and it is the ‘humane’ thing to do. Silly us.


Real Investment Return: Help Those Most in Need

Technology is wonderful and an excellent tool in helping to solve some of the most obscure problems we face—issues like human trafficking, illness, and other tales of horror that continue to weave throughout our human story that is so heavily steeped in monetary greed and gain. So caught up are we in the midst of “capital gains and profit,” that we lose sight of our true focus: each other. When we treat each other as consumers or commodities, for personal or financial gain, whether it is food, medicine, mental healthcare, education, or the prison system, then we exist in the midst of a truly frightening scenario, do we not?

Question: What makes a society great? Answer: People in need. Surprised? And we ask the wrong questions of each other. Instead of asking people for hard, financial proof of just how needy they are or might be on an emergency basis for the next week or two, we ought to be asking, “How can we best help you—for the foreseeable future?”

It may not be money that they need, but guidance, or other supports—those ‘intangibles,’ that often come without a solid price tag, and no logical, financial return at all. When it comes to money, many families exist paycheck to paycheck, and many day by day; one misstep away from even more dire straits. We sometimes need illogical solutions to answer some of the stranger problems that exist and cause the most lingering suffering today.

This is another reason why our economic and financial picture is as bleak as it is. It is not inclusive. It fails to reach many who are most in need. With them ‘out of the picture,’ and the financial and political worlds only working effectively for the few/corporations instead of the many, it is no wonder our “dime” is worth less.

Charging more for books and tuition, padding administrative costs, and ‘standardized tests’ making education even more expensive and cumbersome is not the solution. What does that ROI look like today? Is higher education churning out all the professionals we will ever need? If so, then why are so many cities and towns lacking essential personnel like doctors, psychiatrists, teachers, and even aides for school children? Why are huge cities, and rural areas alike, experiencing significant water crises? Why are people still dying of curable diseases, and why do we still have human trafficking and people who ‘go missing,’ on such a regular basis?

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Where is the wisdom, to keep us from falling backward into the abyss?


Real Investment Return: Real Actions

People who know these problems exist, may be just as reluctant to come forward with their needs, as many of us might be in jumping in, rising up, or acting to fill them. So many of us have grown used to “them” coming to the rescue or making decisions. This dis-empowerment adds to our detriment, unfortunately.

So when we read of people growing their own food, schooling from home, building homes for the homeless, starting campaigns to stop human traffickers and rescuing people, gathering food and operating food banks, providing clean water, standing up to corporate greed, and other such efforts, it is because we recognize and respond with the action needed proactively; otherwise, people die. Yes, we do see that in spite of death being at everyone’s front door, we act on the premise of what we can and ought to do, and give even more of ourselves in the process. This real investment is nature’s way.

Doing and giving more, instead of proving need. This is the “real” investment return, with good karma to come. And each of us has a place at this table.

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About the Author

Kathy Custren is a mother of four, who strives for balance and has a deep respect for All. Interests include advocacy, the arts, communication, education, health, humanity’s cosmic origins, nature, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Visit her page “Consciousness Live” on Facebook, and her site at

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