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What Size Is Your Vision?

What Size Is Your Vision?


by Carl Studna

We’re so accustomed to being asked our shoe, height, waist (and for women) bust size; the size of our coffee, our portion of fish or meat from the market, our newest laptop or big-screen television, our new car, and the list goes on. But how often are you asked to measure your vision size? Do you even have criteria for measuring the size of your dreams, your aspirations, and the grandest picture for your life?


Is the Size of Our Vision Adequate?

Take a moment right now and list three dreams that would be at the top of your list to manifest into form. Perhaps you have a passion for writing and publishing a book. Or maybe you’ve always dreamed of becoming an amazing salsa dancer, or choosing to go back to school and get a degree. Have you always wanted to have a garden and grow your own fruits and vegetables, or learn to fly an airplane? Start with number one being the most burning, most passionate desire and list the remaining two in order of priority. Allow yourself to open and tap into those visions that continue to surface and truly ignite your soul. Give yourself the permission to grant these inner-callings a voice and let them inform you of their priority.

Let’s say that your number one vision is to learn fluent Spanish. Accomplishing this will further ignite your number two vision of spending a month in Barcelona, a city that’s always called to you for its beauty, art and creativity. How devoted are you to fully empowering your desire to learn fluent Spanish? Here’s a hint; if you haven’t begun, there’s some limiting thought that’s been holding you back! Perhaps you’ve felt there’s simply not enough time in the day, or you believe that it’s really difficult to memorize a new language.


Break Through the Limits of Vision Size

Once you’re in touch with these limiting beliefs, you have the opportunity to bust through each one and recognize that they don’t need to determine the outcome of your experience. Byron Katie, in her book, “I Need Your Love – Is That True?” offers the reader to question the beliefs that hold us back or cause us pain by asking the simple question, “Is that true?” When we are willing to be honest and transparent, we have the ability to clearly assess all thoughts and beliefs that ever-flow through our daily awareness, and in doing so, we can authentically answer this poignant question.

Related to learning Spanish, is it true that you don’t have enough time in the day to effectively learn the language? If you’re fully honest, you might discover ways to create more time by trimming down the time you’re spending on other activities such as social media or watching your favorite nightly television shows. When you honestly assess the situation, you might recognize that in truth, you do have the time available once you make this vision a priority.

So, what’s the size of your vision? You might think that you strongly support it coming into fruition, yet perhaps certain limiting beliefs are running the show. If you are continually taking practical steps to feed your vision and open the field for its manifestation, it will in time take form. It’s necessary to keep the flame of your vision ignited and feed it with the necessary nutrients that cultivate the soil of infinite potential. Over time, if you convince yourself that your cherished dream was just a passing fantasy, then the universe will conspire with you and quench that burning flame of desire. What we believe strongly enough becomes our reality.

Perhaps you have an old friend from college and you remember their deep passion and talent for creative writing. They were certain their career would grow into being a successful author. Once graduating, they didn’t get the breaks they expected and gradually drifted into a more “practical” career that gave them a weekly paycheck. Rather than continuing to feed their vision, they completely let it go and convinced themselves that their talent wasn’t worthy of success.

In this example, the size of your friend’s vision is a zero as they’ve completely written off the possibility of actualizing their talent. Where are you on the zero-to-ten scale in measuring your top three visions? It’s never too late to rekindle a flame or add fertilizer to the soil that nurtures your dreams. If you need an encouraging reminder, rent the film, Field of Dreams, and allow the infinite potential of the universe to fill you with its ever-present support and its innate creative spark to express through and as you. It’s time to empower the size of your visions and watch them grow into resounding tens, and in so doing, you actualize your most brilliant gifts and contributions to the world.

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About the Author

Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl’s intimate portraits of influential people ranging from Sir Paul McCartney to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, are published and known worldwide. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his book, CLICK! Choosing Love One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts.

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