12 Archangels High

Have you ever longed to experience the euphoric joy and lightness of heaven, the vibration where fear cannot exist? The 12 Archangels, along with many loving guides, feel compassionately inspired to help all of us who sometimes suffer from the frustration and overwhelm that comes from desperately wanting to escape from our current situation. They would like to share their simple, yet profound, healing treatment to fill us with peace and plug us back into the positive flow of universal abundance and love. First though, they need us to understand some important aspects of our humanness to get us ready for this awesome treatment.
Desire and the infestation of bully thoughts
Being human and attending Schoolroom Earth takes courage and tenacity to chase away the fearful “what ifs” that like to invade and control the rational part of our brain. These convincing and manipulative thoughts are clever at seducing us into predicting the worse case scenario of disappointment and failure. Try as we might to keep the “what if” bullies far, far away, they manage to sneak back into our awareness. Soon we discover that we have, once again, slipped into the chains of panic that tighten with each thought of the negative future. What if we fail miserably? What if we disappoint those who are counting on us to succeed? What if life only gets more difficult and never gets any better for the rest of my life?
The 12 Archangels, mentors of Schoolroom Earth, want to help us to understand that during the excruciating experience of hearing the “fear-of-the-future” fire alarms, we are simultaneously being given a great opportunity to ask for help from the Angels. They tell us that by taking deep breaths and repeating, “I surrender,” we allow our own higher self to fill our rational mind with a sense of calm. Once the rational mind is calm, the intuitive mind will send out the “God has not abandoned me” message and tell us exactly where we need to focus our mental energy to restore a positive attitude that includes having faith in ourselves.
We are not on Earth to be tortured with lack of love, resources or failure. We are here to learn that love is a power that we can use to change our lives this morning so that we experience greater peace and happiness this afternoon. Our mentors tell us that our fear (and desire to escape our discomfort) is strongest when we are ready to breakthrough our oldest and most self-sabotaging fear-based belief patterns. Life is a journey of learning, forgiving and transforming the past so we no longer recreate the past in the future. If our soul has agreed to transform an ancient negative belief paradigm for humanity, we may need to travel through many experiences before we reach the destination of having the successful outcome that we desire and deserve. Patience, along with some loving-kind mindfulness, is essential to supporting ourselves in achieving this success that is for the greatest good for all concerned.
The 12 Archangels say that we need the most help with impatience with our own ego-self. It is our nature to want instant manifestation of all we desire and if instant manifestation is not happening then we can think we are failing or that God’s grace does not exist in our own personal universe. Because this fear of not getting what we want can be so very intense for the mind, body and emotions, we humans often seek comfort in illusion. We may deceive and distract ourselves with fantasy, alcohol, drugs, video games, romance novels, gambling or anything else that gives our ego some temporary relief from our current unpleasant circumstances. Angels do not judge our choice of anesthetic or our propensity for distracting ourselves from what we need to face and change. They wish to offer us a better way to stop the fear and the pain that comes with it.
They promise results from their healing treatment and say it will ground us in the here and now while aligning us with the flow of positive manifesting energy of the Universe. Being in the flow, while having a clear and open mind that is tuned into soul, is the best way to pull in a future that will bring us our highest joy and most satisfying success. They prescribe their healing treatment to be done at the earliest onset of becoming aware of infestation by the “what if” bullies.
12 Archangels High
Guided imagery exercise to bring in a state of grounded, yes grounded, super high state of euphoria!
Step 1: Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.
Step 2: Breathe in deeper and exhale even more slowly.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you feel calm and quiet inside your mind.
Step 4: Imagine that your body is a wild animal zoo and it is now safe for all of the animals to be set free. Release your suppressed raw emotion by setting the animals free.
Step 5: Imagine that your body is a barn stocked full of domesticated animals. Open the barn doors and allow all of your tame, self-compromising, people pleasing feelings to go out to pasture and have some fun.
Step 6: Imagine that your body is a cold stick of butter lying on emerald green grass on a very warm and sunny day.
Step 7: Melt in the warmth of the Central Sun. See the Sun Light dissolve the butter into flowing energy. You are now this flowing Central Sun Light.
Step 8: Chant ever so slowly and gently, “I AM ONENESS.”
Benefits of regular treatment:
The “12 Archangels High” supports us in gently reassuring the ego that all is well while we release the fear trapped inside our bodies. By raising our vibration to that of divine love (melting like a stick of butter in the Sun) and focusing our consciousness on oneness, we naturally plug into the flow of the universe. This connection opens us fully to receive the success we desire. We do not need to understand this alchemical process. We are asked to just enjoy it!
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Belinda Womack is an Intuitive Problem Solver, Counselor, Inventor, Spiritual Messenger, Teacher, Dream Interpreter, Healing Facilitator, Author and Human Being.