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Ascension: The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes

Ascension: The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes



Many lightworkers were anticipating a transmutation, or clear shift in consciousness immediately following December 21st 2012, without realizing that it was just one of many time gates in the divine plan of planetary purification and the inception of the new Golden Age of Earth. Not only did it appear that mass consciousness did not awaken, humanity seemed to get even more degraded. Why?

2012 was just the beginning of the final phase of the purification process and as with any purification, things look worse before they get better. But don’t despair, we are now entering a three year period between 2016 and 2018 when the old paradigm is interfacing with the inception of the new Earth. We’re birthing a new age of peace, harmony, balance, unconditional love and abundance for all through our hearts, whilst dissolving the old paradigm with our love. The new Golden Age is rising like a phoenix from the ashes!

2012 was zero point for the activation of the new Earth and the mass ascension of consciousness. It was the balancing point of a 12-year time gate (activation portal), six years leading up to 2012 and six years after 2012.

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The six years leading up to 2012 saw a massive increase in lightworkers being awakened and guided to their missions. Many have been called to sacred sites and ancient portals to play their part in the activation of the Christ consciousness grid. The Christ consciousness grid, also known as the 144 crystalline grid, is Gaia’s crystalline energy body, and like our energy bodies it is made up of chakras, ley lines and meridian points. These are the power points around the globe where energy is received, focused and distributed. The health of Gaia’s light body determines the health of mass consciousness.

For a long time the consciousness of humanity has been restricted by the unnatural time system we know as the Gregorian calendar. The Mayan prophecy predicted the end of this false time system and a return to the universal laws of time. In other words, the way time is perceived is about to change resulting in a shift in mass consciousness. We’re being taken back to nature, where we not only live in alignment with the Earth’s natural rhythms but also with the energy flow of the entire universe. We will no longer be ruled by clocks in the ‘time is money’ paradigm, instead we will be guided by synchronicity in the ‘time is art’ paradigm. (For more info see the Tzolkin Mayan Calendar System)

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