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Ascension: The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes

Ascension: The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes



How Does Transmutation Fit into Ascension?

Since 2013 – 2015, we have been experiencing what is known in esoteric circles as the apocalypse, a time of great revelation and cleansing upon the Earth that brings with it destruction. As part of the cleansing process, negative energies are brought to the surface then transmuted and cleansed from creation, both collectively and individually.

Rather than manifest as a worldwide catastrophe the apocalypse has manifested in the heart-breaking situations we see in the world today, such as the crisis in Syria. As lightworkers it is important that we view worldwide events and personal challenges from the higher perspective of the divine plan. The higher purpose of these situations is to allow the negative energy trapped in the current reality (or paradigm) to come to the surface to be transmuted. This is the job of the transmuters amongst us. We are here to focus our unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance upon these situations and let the corresponding golden light energy that is pouring into the grid system break down the dense energies that feed war, violence and destruction -transmuting them into peace, love and forgiveness.

From 2016 to 2018, the amount of golden light being dispensed from the great central sun is rapidly increasing, triggering even deeper awakenings within humanity and a greater awareness of our interconnectedness. As the crystalline grid comes fully online, the old paradigm grid system is being dissolved and the light memories held within the libraries of light are again capable of being accessed and perceived by humanity. As a lightworker, it’s important that you don’t get caught up on ‘how’ the new paradigm is going to appear but rather trust that when the living libraries are revealed all will become clear.

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What does Ascension mean for you as a lightworker?

If transmutation is part of your mission, the next three years of ascension will be active for you, and yes it won’t always be easy, much like the last three years! As an activated lightworker, you will find yourself in situations and energies that require you to transmute them. By now you are probably becoming quite skilled (after lots of practice!) in the art of transmutation, keeping the peace even when things around you appear to be falling apart.

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