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Debra Silverman: The Missing Element

Debra Silverman: The Missing Element


Rick DiClementi: The fifth is the balancing of all of it?

Debra Silverman: There’re four elements. But, then the whole book really secretly, as you probably figured out, was turning on the observer and not judging the fact that you are who you are anyway. And the older you get, the worse it gets or the better it gets, depending on your attitude.

Rick DiClementi: I want to get to the details here. The reason I bring it up is I understand you starting the book with the amniotic fluid where the baby is born. I believe it was you that said we’re all born from an orgasm, which I thought was kind of thrilling. Why did you start the book with water when the zodiac starts with fire?

Debra Silverman: Because the esoteric law, if you read Alice Bailey, it starts in Pieces. It goes backward. You start in the truth, in the womb. The truth is in the very first verse of the Bible it was dark and without form.

Rick DiClementi: Right.

Debra Silverman: Then there was water, then came light, then came earth, and then came the stars. So, if you look at any of the esoteric law, you’ll see that water always comes first.

Rick DiClementi: When we talk about earth, air, water, fire– What is it like when a person has the right amount of water, too little water, not enough water? How do you see these parts of each of the four elements?

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Debra Silverman: So, not enough water is going to create a parched, dry. A closed system where someone doesn’t have juice anymore, and they don’t have any feeling and they’re numb. And they have a sensation of boredom or depression even. It goes all the way to depression. Just the right amount of water, you can be still on purpose. You know how to meditate. You find comfort in being alone. No water at all is you’ve lived too far alone. Without any water, you’re a recluse and you are in a secluded internal world that’s dry. Just enough water, you know how to be alone. And too much water, you can’t stop crying, you have no boundaries, and you’re so compelled by other people’s experience that you lose your own.

Rick DiClementi: But, I find water is the most critical element, don’t you?

Debra Silverman: Critical? As far as life, yeah, nothing lives without water, but that’s also true for air and it’s also true with earth. You can’t live without of these four elements, it looks like water is predominant for people because they are predominantly water. As a being, we’re mostly water. The planet is mostly water. So, yes, it would be probably the first one that when it goes, here is the symptoms; depression, addiction, everything from pornography to gambling to food to sex. All of those are water addictions.

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