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Debra Silverman: The Missing Element

Debra Silverman: The Missing Element


Rick DiClementi: Let’s go on and do the three for air signs. Air signs for people is mental?

Debra Silverman: Exactly. So, the lack of air completely is someone that is antisocial. Too much air would be an airhead. The right amount of air would be someone that can articulate. I would say someone with no air can go one of two ways: Either all they do is read and they don’t live inside of reality. A healthy version of air is a person that knows how to use their words to match their feelings. They’re not just talking to talk. Their words have a substance that they have experience behind. It’s not just out of their head. And they are not scattered, but yet they’re very sociable and very comfortable in social settings. Too much air is they’re airheads. They’re social. They’re dippy. They’re superficial.

Rick DiClementi: I understand. That will lead us next, Debra, to the earth sign. With earth and practicality, what do you see there?

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Debra Silverman: So, with the first category of not enough earth, these are the people at their worst, they are not paying their bills. They don’t have their insurance. They haven’t taken care of their taxes. Their closets are a mess. They don’t eat properly. They don’t even care about food and they tend to be really lazy. The earth people at their worst are extremely lazy. The balanced earth is they have taken care of things but they’re not fastidious. And the most extreme version of earth is they’re workaholics. Everything is about money. They tend to be obsessive-compulsive, OCD, and they have a tendency to be so caught in detail they forget to have fun. The healthy version of earth is they love to work but they enjoy their work. They’re not complainers. At their worst, they’re totally ungrounded.

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