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Debra Silverman: The Missing Element

Debra Silverman: The Missing Element


Rick DiClementi: Okay, finally the fire signs.

Debra Silverman: So, the lack of fire entirely is a flat-liner who hasn’t had sex in 35 years. And they don’t have any fun factor and they don’t put on music. They tend to be overweight and they are angry for no reason, but it’s always aimed at the other. And they’re either depressed or super angry, definitely overweight, and they are grumpy.

At their best, a fire person is very capable of exercise and enthusiasm and excitement. And then, the extreme fire is the person who’s so physical and athletic.

Rick DiClementi: How do you weight the chart? What do you look for? “Oh, this guy’s got too much water. The earth seems good, but their air just seems like it’s nonexistent.” How do you determine that?

Debra Silverman: Because I’m a therapist, I use my client as the gauge. I don’t assume to be the know-er. I assume that you’re coming to me with an experience. And my job is to tease out of you where you’re going to display for me live time an experience, not in theory, what’s going on in your world. And from that place I can then use the chart to give you some guidance. I think that’s a real old school that kept people distant from their client because they came in with all this information. I want to know on a practical level what’s the experience you’re having in this life.

Rick DiClementi: Did you hear what this Gemini said? She’s not interested in information.

See Also

Debra Silverman: My Mercury is in Taurus.

Rick DiClementi: Well, what were your early experiences? Who did you read? What astrologers had a big impact on you at that time?

Debra Silverman: I was trained in a car over three days with a triple Gemini woman who had been an astrologer. I took notes. I drove her insane. We drove across Canada. At the end of the drive, I had a dream about two nights later. In the dream, I used to have to this little Chinese lady. I don’t know. She followed me around when I was a kid in my dreams, and she always screamed at me. And in this dream, she screamed at me, “You’ve been an astrologer for a lifetime, stupid! Stop acting so dumb.” And I woke up startled, and I started charging. I never had a teacher.

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