The Missing Element – Good News and Bad News

by Debra Silverman
In this excerpt from her book, THE MISSING ELEMENT: Inspiring Compassion For The Human Condition, author Debra Silverman explains what the Missing Element is and what the reader can expect to learn about themselves and how they can make a difference in the world.
I’ve got good news and bad news, so let’s get the bad news out of the way. We do not have enough oil, clean air, water and gas to support the number of people on our planet. We do not know how to distribute wealth or food to those in need. We do not know how to banish genocide, child slavery, drug cartels, sex trade, war, or evil. Those are big, big problems and they’re overwhelming to think about. People ask me all the time, “what can I do to make a difference?”
I am writing about you. You; wonderfully flawed, perfectly nutty, beautiful, broken- hearted, powerful you. Would you like to impact the planet and be a part of a positive change? Would you like to feel more at peace with yourself and be a happier human being?
Here’s the good news; global change begins at home.
Yes, recycling and saving water is very important, but your big job is to open your eyes to who you truly are – warts and all – and to make peace with that clunky, wonderful person inside of you. If you can do this, then all the negativity, fear and shame that block your authentic expression will begin to lift and you can become a more powerful, effective human being on this planet.
That’s how we begin to change the world. We heal one person at a time, and we start with ourselves.
The Missing Element – Your Story’s Power
I’ve looked at the younger generation – I feel for them, this particular generation is suffering in a way I cannot relate. College graduates are expected to go out into the world and be successful, loyal, reliable, kind, knowledgeable, respectful, on time, fit, beautiful, and rich. We expect you to get married, pay taxes, buy a house, go to church, never have a sexual thought about anyone but your partner, and raise perfect children. Good luck with that.

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