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Guru Ganesha: The Ageless Art of Kirtan

Guru Ganesha: The Ageless Art of Kirtan

Guru Ganesha_omtimes_Cover_March

Liane Buck:  Yeah, you can.  It takes a while, but you actually can. It really is interesting how duality plays a role on this. So, what are your new projects?  What can we expect from you and your band in 2016?

Guru Ganesha:  We have, like, 15, 20 new pieces that we’re working on and, you know, different mantras, amusing poetry, Rumi poetry, so much beautiful, divine poetry and putting to putting to music.  The Thousand Suns song, a lot of those words came from lectures from Yogi Bhajan that we massaged and kind of took a little poetic license so that it would fit.

Liane Buck: Right.

Guru Ganesha: So there’s a lot of new music coming.  We’re planning on a tour, a West Coast tour that I mentioned that’s starting in April. (See Tour Schedule) I feel like something happened when I turned 65 in September.This is a time of life where they call them the Golden Years.  And I understand now and feel like a switch got hit. And every morning I’m getting up and I just can’t wait to, start singing and picking up my guitar and just trusting what’s coming through.

Liane Buck:  I know. I understand. This is a beautiful combination of everything. There is beauty in a life well lived.

Guru Ganesha: It’s a time for us to let go and let God.  And, you know, it’s funny.  Everybody talks about 65 as a retirement age, and it’s really been quite the opposite for me. It’s like all of a sudden the faucet is turned on full blast.

Liane Buck:  Wow.  Yeah, I understand that completely. Guru Ganesha, it was like an incredible pleasure to have you in this interview. 

See Also

Guru Ganesha:  Well, my dear, it was my honor and privilege and joy.  My heart feels so good right now, the pain is gone from my kneecap from our conversation.

Liane Buck:  Well, good thing it went somewhere else while we’re having fun. 

To learn more about Guru Ganesha and his Band, please visit

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