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Do You Believe in Chance? So, Meet Chance.

Do You Believe in Chance? So, Meet Chance.

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Do you believe in “ Chance ?” Well, Pound Wishes and the Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation sure do.

Meet Chance

The Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation rescued Chance, a 5-year-old Saint Bernard, from West Virginia. Chance was surrendered by his “owner”, along with a Great Dane. When the volunteer arrived to pick up Chance, the conditions where he was housed were deplorable. He was living outside in an enclosure of cinder block and rotting wood surrounded by a chain link fence. The floor was mud and feces; the structure was so small Chance was unable to turn around. When the volunteer picked Chance up, he was skin and bones. It was the worst case of abuse and neglect the volunteer had ever seen. As she drove away with the rescued Great Dane and Chance, she broke down in tears. Despite his broken body, Chance reached over and licked away her tears. Chance was driven straight to the vet where Jennifer, the founder of Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation, met Chance for the first time.

Once at the vet, it was discovered Chance had multiple body systems failure due to his extreme malnutrition. You could count his ribs and vertebrae, and his belly was hugely distended. The vet removed ten liters of fluid from his abdomen!

Chance is slowly recovering from the effects the emaciation has had on his body. He is on medication to prevent further fluid build-up, and he is slowly putting on weight. He needs to have an ECG and ultrasound to assess the potential damage to his heart. Chance is on a slow road to recovery and will require extensive medical care to get him healthy enough to be ready for adoption. Chance deserves to find a forever home that is full of love and reassurance.

You may be asking yourself, “How can I help?” PoundWishes, a fundraising site specializing in raising money for rescues and shelters, has teamed up with Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation to help Chance and his mounting medical bills. He was recently selected as PoundWishes’ Weekly Wish pet to help raise the money he so desperately needs for his medical care. You can also help Chance and the Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation. If you would like to help give this sweet boy a second “Chance”, you can donate to his care by going to

Want to give even more pets a second chance? Become a member of our Wish Pack and make a difference in the life of another rescue dog or cat today. More information about how to become a member of the PoundWishes Wish Pack community can be found at

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