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Pre-workout Green Smoothie

Pre-workout Green Smoothie


by Jadah and Jen

Drinking green smoothies isn’t a diet—it’s a lifestyle. It’s about taking care of your body and staying healthy. In addition to fueling your body with green smoothies, we benefit so much from (you guessed it) exercise! Good old-fashioned, increase-your-heart-rate and sweat-it-out exercise.

You can read our whole list of pre-workout ingredients that we love adding to green smoothies here.

Now to give your body the energy and nutrients it needs for those killer workouts, we recommend drinking this green smoothie recipe we created.

The best kinds of pre-workout foods are filled with protein, good carbs, healthy fats. These ingredients help you stock up on energy, and keep you full for a long time. The apple, banana, rolled oats, coconut oil, and (of course) leafy greens make the perfect combination for a green smoothie you can drink before every workout! // Serves 2


Pre-Workout Green Smoothie Ingredients

2 cups fresh spinach

2 cups almond milk, unsweetened

1 large apple, cored, any variety

1 banana

1/3 cup rolled oats

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


See Also
Essential Oils Crystals OMTimes


1. Blend spinach and almond milk until smooth.

2. Add remaining ingredients, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

*Use frozen fruit to make smoothie cold.


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About the Author

Jadah and Jen are two friends and moms raising their families on healthy, whole-food recipes mixed in with some ice cream and pizza. Discover more great recipes at:

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