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The Story of The Lost Medal

The Story of The Lost Medal


by Jon Von Knight

Wouldn’t it be great if everything in life turned out exactly the way you planned it? You start a successful business doing what you love. You meet and marry your twin flame. Your kids grow up happy and healthy. Life is good.

A lot of people consider these things the very foundation of a happy and meaningful life. So much so they’ll do whatever it takes to make that life happen. They are emotionally invested in it and they become attached to a specific outcome. Little do they know holding on to a specific outcome can create fear and self-sabotaging thoughts. They start to worry and wonder what if things don’t turn out the way I planned?


If only they knew the story of the lost medal.

The year was 1978. Jack was ten years old. He walked out of his house on a hot summer day, threw a leg over his bicycle and pedaled down the dirt road to meet up with Jerry, his best friend. He had no idea what they were going to do today but that was half the fun. Last week they were hiking in the woods and came across an abandoned cemetery with stones dated in the 1700s. Yesterday they went fishing in the little pond and hid out in the culvert under the old stone bridge catching turtles and frogs.

Today they decided they were riding bicycles. The empty lot across the road from Jack’s house was the perfect place for the track they had built. There were jumps and twists and turns and side trails that meandered off through the trees and out on to the road where they could get up some real speed. The road run always ended in a sideways, grand finale power slide before ditching it back in the trail. They raced around the track all day until the dinner bell rang – literally. Jerry’s parents had a fire bell they rang to call him home. It could be heard all the way from the abandoned cemetery deep in the woods to the little pond at the end of the road. Both kids begrudgingly made their way out of the trails and back home to eat dinner, promising to continue the race another day.

After dinner that night Jack was sitting on the steps of his front porch watching his dog sniff around the yard. He saw Jerry walking up the road with his head down searching for something. He looked a little upset. Jack walked down to investigate.

During the chaos of the big race, Jerry had lost his cherished medal of Saint Christopher. It hung around his neck perpetually. He was devastated. He couldn’t tell his parents he lost it for fear of what would happen if they found out. He absolutely had to find it. Jack could feel the urgency of the situation. He joined in the search but the more they looked, the more hopeless it seemed. The dirt road, the rocks, the leaves and twigs on the trail. How were they ever going to find a little silver medal in all of that?

After they spent what seemed like forever searching the road and retracing their every move of the day in the trails, kicking leaves and sticks around with their feet, Jack blurted out, “We should just stop looking for this thing. You’ll probably find it.”

Jerry, who was behind him kicking around leaves and sticks of his own, stopped. He glanced at Jack for a moment then looked back at the ground and there, right at his feet was his lost medal of Saint Christopher, chain and all.

He stared for a moment in disbelief then bent down to pick it up saying, “I found it. I can’t believe it. It was right here.”

He pointed at the ground, happy and perplexed at the same time.

Being that they were both ten, neither friend thought much about the hows and whys of the magical recovery. They were happy that Jerry found his medal and the summer could go on without incident. It wasn’t until much later in life that Jack put the pieces together. He realized that letting go of the outcome, no matter how urgent it seemed at the time, actually got them the result they were looking for.

That is a little piece of wisdom that could go a long way. The universe, of which we are an integral part, does not get attached to specific outcomes. In fact, natural creation can be pretty random. Think about it. When the headwaters of a river start to flow, do they plan their destination? When a flower spreads its seeds on the wind, does it worry about which ones will take a where they are going?

This doesn’t mean we should adopt a “who cares” attitude toward life or throw in the towel on our dreams. If that was the case then why did we come here at all? Why bother doing anything?

See Also

It means we should take a cue from the universe when it comes to creating the life we want to live. After all, we are universal energy and we use it to create our lives whether we know it or not. This unseen force carries all the wisdom of the ages and it works in ways we can’t even fathom. It can surprise us with ideas we didn’t even know we needed and when they show up, we find ourselves asking, why didn’t I think of that sooner? When we get in the flow of that energy and have faith that its taking us where we need to be, we open up to the limitless potential waiting to shower us with pleasant surprises. Holding on to a specific outcome puts limits on what the universe can bring us.

It’s understandable to think that a child finding his lost medal by innocently calling off the search is a little different than creating something more adult like meeting your soul mate or landing your dream job. The stakes seem a little higher. Like it should be easy for a child to detach from the outcome of something that can be perceived as silly and not so easy for an adult saddled with life’s responsibilities. But it should be. And in the eyes of the universe, it is. A creation is a creation and the same rules apply.

Try paying your ten year old self a visit once in a while. Stop over-analyzing everything. We can be responsible adults without taking things so seriously all the time. Let go, adventure, discover and allow life to be the miracle that it is.


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About the Author

Jon Von Knight is one of the billions of energetic beings who chose to be here on this beautiful planet earth during these unprecedented times. He is the author of Courage Passion Wisdom and Grace. A series based on the true story of an Angel on Earth who happens to be his life long friend. He would love to hear from you! Reach out at or

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