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Thank God for Angels!

Thank God for Angels!


Join with the Angels on Schoolroom Earth…

Here on schoolroom Earth, angels help us in countless unseen ways, from opening our minds to hear the answer that solves the problem, to opening our hearts so that we see God looking back at us through the eyes of our enemies. While we are busy navigating the day-to-day challenges of being vulnerable human beings, they work around the clock to orchestrate the evolutionary progression of our governments and world order. Yes, we may think that God has surely abandoned us on our violent planet to suffer from the effects of global warming and political gaming, but God knows very well the pressure we are all under. Angels are, whether it is the plant spirit in the thistle bush, the seraphim in the great blue whale or the nature angel that holds our own life force in our bodies, ever-present helpers in our lives.

The 12 Archangels, mentors and teachers of schoolroom Earth, tell us that it is imperative, at this moment in human evolution, to understand that what we are seeing play out in the world drama is the purging and cleansing of fear trapped within our ancestral DNA, as well as false belief paradigms that have roots in the long forgotten past. These fears and lies must rise up from the depths and play out in the global dream. As they play out, they are seen and felt on the conscious level so that the human family can make better choices. Our lessons include awakening to the truth that the past is still alive today and that we must transform the past in order to create a better now. These illuminating counselors need us to accept that speeding up human evolution for the purpose of creating peace on Earth and respect for God’s creation, depends on our receptivity to being helped to change the fear-based global beliefs, inherent in all of us,

Humanity evolves and moves forward in more loving consciousness through important life cycles. Here on Earth, the number 12 is symbolic for many of our cycles that begin, end and begin again. These cycles are reflected in the 12 months of the year, the 12 signs of the zodiac, and the 12 hours on a clock face. With each new cycle, both the individual and the collective move forward in a positive direction. Our creator does not allow humanity, part of oneness, to go backward. As we live the days of each cycle of incarnation, the 12 Archangels support us in our awakening and our discovery that we are God’s very powerful divine children. They reassure us that we have not been abandoned to learn our lessons through the school of hard knocks without guidance. These mighty angels radiate their healing and transforming energy throughout schoolroom earth, reaching the atoms in all of God’s creation that give us, and everything on our planet, physical form at this dimension and beyond. When we surrender to the love of God that pours from the hearts and hands of our angelic cheerleaders, we will find it easier to navigate through our soul lessons and life experiences. As we evolve by welcoming the energy of love where love is missing, we help oneness to expand and grow in consciousness. When we help oneness by choosing love, oneness helps humanity!

It can be a challenge for our ego/personality to live as if everything we think, feel and do has an immediate impact, positive or negative, on every other particle of God’s energy. When we ask our angels for help in keeping the vibration of our thoughts, feelings and actions at the most loving frequency we can muster, we make a profound and positive difference for others. Being magnificently human, we may find ourselves succumbing to the drama happening around us and in our world. Instead of getting caught in the depressing story, the angels ask us to give thanks to God in this current cycle of humanity’s intense growth spurt of transformation.

Giving thanks to our creator, especially during times of stress and fear, helps shift the vibration for all of God’s energy here on Earth. When we hear about another shooting on the news, or another oil spill, or natural disaster, the 12 Archangels tell us to say, “Thank you, God, for loving us! Thank you, angels, for helping us! Thank you, self, for changing for the better!” When we say “thank you” to God, all of God’s angels say “thank you, God,” with us. And God always exclaims, “thank you” back to us! This action creates an infinitely increasing wave of gratitude that sends abundance and blessings back to us and to all of oneness at the same moment. The divine child within our heart hears and feels this super love charged message. All of God’s children are intimately connected to one another, and when the child in you receives God’s “thank you,” she sends out a pure and clear energetic hug to me. My angels respond by hugging your angels and this creates a super nova love fest that explodes throughout the universe. When we are conscious of our connection with angels, the love expands even greater.

Our angels remind us that each of us is an essential soul in God’s oneness and it is our destiny to receive all we require to move through our spiritual growth cycles of life. What do we need most from angels? Working in unison with our souls, they infuse us, on cellular, subconscious and conscious levels, with the willingness and courage to change. Our angelic teachers share their simple recipe to help us leap forward in joyful evolution.

12 Archangels Recipe for Happiness and Positive Changing

Take some slow deep breaths and quiet your mind by focusing on your breath.

See yourself standing in a forest of giant redwoods and say, “Thank you, angels.” Feel these magnificent angels flood you with their energy. Hold this energy and invite the all-loving light and sound of God to fill every cell, thought, and feeling of you.

Invite the child that lives within your heart to stand with you in the forest of angels. See a great rainbow of energy falling as a gentle rain from the heavens. See the colors of God’s love saturate you and God’s child that stands with you. Say, “thank you, God, for me. I AM grateful that I AM a child of the universe.”

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J J Benitez OMTimes

Raise your voice and repeat, “thank you God for me!” Repeat until you feel the euphoria of divine love fill every cell of you with happiness.

Go forth and share your joy.

We can always ask for support from angels when we are going through a difficult cycle in our own personal evolution. They ask us to embrace the learning and let the love flow in where it has been missing for a long, long time.

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