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The 3 Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth

The 3 Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth


by Guy Steven Needler

The Three Waves of Volunteers

During her myriad hypnosis sessions, Dolores Cannon discovered that there were three genres of individuals that have been incarnating since the late 1940’s. Each genre, or wave, providing an enhanced level of service to the inhabitants of Earth, due to their frequential condition from the previous genre. Dolores called them the three waves of volunteers. They correlated with the three types of children being born on Earth; those being the Rainbow, Indigo, and Crystal Children. However, new information has been exposed that not only justifies this data about these volunteers through direct correlation, and takes it further.

It has been discovered that there have since been a number of hybrids of these children being born; four versions of volunteers, to be exact. Together with this was the discovery of a small, but elite, number of children that are classified as the “White Children.” The first three waves of volunteers have not had an easy ride on Earth though. Many struggle to work within the low frequencies of this earthly environment because these volunteers are constantly changing.

The hybrid children however, are more capable of working with the changes in frequency on Earth, which includes those pockets of locally low and locally high frequencies that can be found here. The four types are:

1. Hybrids of Rainbow and Indigo Children

2. Hybrids of Indigo and Crystal Children

3. Hybrids Rainbow and Crystal Children

4. Hybrids of Rainbow, Indigo and Crystal Children

The fourth hybrid being the most robust on the Earth right now.

Further to this was the discovery of the White Children. These children, although not ascended masters, are energetically and frequentially the equivalent of one. There will only be twelve of these children and they are only being born to incarnates whose soul aspects are highly evolved and pure; that being, free of karma. To date, two of the mothers of these children, one in the UK and one in China, have been discovered, with a mentor to a third in Hawaii. They are here to teach us and to significantly lift the base frequency of the Earth, assisting in our ascension in the process. They will be located spaced equally around the globe. Some will be quantitative leaders, some will be qualitative leaders, and some will just operate “behind the scenes,” so to speak.


The New Earth

Again, during her hypnosis sessions Dolores identified that we were ascending and that we would be split between two versions of the Earth—the “old” Earth representing the current Earth and the “new” Earth representing the New Earth. Those who are progressing “spiritually” are expected to ascend into the New Earth and those who are slow at progressing staying with the current old Earth.

Through gaining channeled information it has been established that our creator, our source, created a multiversal structure, based upon frequency, sub-dimensional component, and full dimension for us to evolve through; the base component being frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the evolutionary content and the closer to communion with our creator we become. Within this structure and in general, each frequency level or band houses a completely independent and self-contained simultaneous universe in its own right. The only variation to this rule is the physical universe. This is because it is so low in frequency that it needs twelve frequency levels or bands to support it. It is these twelve frequency bands that we, whilst incarnate, ascend through as a result of our work.

If we look at the content of the universe from our position on Earth, we see that the universe appears to be mostly empty with a number of galaxies dotted around it. Even though the number of galaxies is in the millions it is still a “very, very” small proportion of what we see as the volume of the universe. When we ascend the frequencies though, we start to see more universal content. This is because the gross physical exists only in the first three frequencies of the physical universe and if we move up one level, to say the fourth, that part of the physical universe that is invisible to us becomes visible because we are working with that frequency as well. This function repeats itself the higher up the frequencies we go, so as we ascend to the fifth frequency we see even more content within the physical universe. Going to the sixth we see even more until, when we reach the twelfth frequency level, the physical universe appears to be almost solid with “very, very” few small gaps in-between the content.

Getting back to explain the correlation with Dolores work, if we are on the third frequency level, as most incarnates are, we can only see the universal constant that is manifest on the first three frequencies, and not that which is on those frequencies higher than the third. If however we ascend to the fourth frequency we can see what is on the first three frequencies plus the fourth, but because we are now associated with the fourth frequency those that remain in the first three cannot see or perceive us.

Projecting this process up one level, if we ascend to the fifth frequency, we can see what is on the first four frequencies plus the fifth, but because we are now associated with the fifth frequency those that remain in the first three or the fourth cannot see us. This process continues until we reach the highest point of the frequencies associated with the physical universe, the twelfth, and of course into those higher frequencies associated with the multiverse in general.

See Also

The example here relates to the physical universe and above, but because the Earth is a pan-frequential body—that being, it exists on all twelve frequencies associated with the physical universe—this also applies to what we experience whilst incarnate on Earth. And so the New Earth is a frequential aspect of this pan-frequential body we call the Earth. The New Earth for most people being the frequencies associated with the fourth frequency, with another New Earth being on the fifth and another on the sixth and so on.

Proof of the New Earth is all around us because those that have moved on-wards and upwards before us, move out of our visual and perceptual range, they lose contact with us, they appear to disappear. Those who move onward, generally ascend in a slow, repeatable and robust way. They have access to more content, seeing and perceiving more of the universe, whilst also enjoying an increase in spiritual functionality, such as enhanced intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience etc.

Although those in the higher frequencies can see and perceive those in the same or lower frequencies, those of a lower frequency cannot see those of a higher frequency. However, those of a higher frequency will develop the skills necessary to be able to “drop down” the frequencies temporarily to interface with those who exist in the frequencies below them, creating continuity of existence.

So just how many New Earths are there? There are nine. The New Earth Dolores talks about is the first, the ascension from the third frequency to the fourth.

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About the Author

Guy Steven Needler is the author of The History of God, Beyond the Source Books 1&2, Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, and The Anne Dialogues (publish date to be announced) by Ozark Mountain Publishing.

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