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10 Paths to Create Spiritual Integrity in Life

10 Paths to Create Spiritual Integrity in Life


Spiritual integrity is the act of authenticity, which is acting in accordance with one’s true nature, coupled with purity of intent and the unique expression of the divine nature. From individuals seeking enlightenment and inner peace to practitioners working in the professional metaphysical space, spiritual integrity can be pushed aside.

There are no rules for connecting to the divine, it is a very personal path each of us must take. However, there are certain consistencies that seekers can follow, in their own way, that strengthen that connection, increasing self-awareness and understanding of the ways of spirit.


Creating Spiritual Integrity in Life

In considering the path I have taken and that I have observed in others, here is a list of actions that have been shown to open the way to the divine and ensure the path of spiritual integrity:

Take right action – Before taking action, consider your options and determine what feels right to you. Does your body tense up or relax when considering your next move? Is it in your highest good and the highest good of those around you? Is it aligned with your personal and spiritual morals? Does it bring harm to yourself or another or does it help? Act for the highest good; honor and respect all life. Be in high service to others.

Walk the talk – If you are a practitioner or individual giving guidance to others, make sure you practice what you preach. Are you living in accordance with the life philosophy you impart to others? Do you take your own advice? Are you a shining example of the outcome you promise to others?

Make sure you are energetically clear – get rid of negativity on a regular basis; embrace inner peace. If there is a circumstance taking you off center that is out of your control, do the best you can and dump the extraneous anxiety into the ground. Try not to let negativity and anxieties accumulate. Lighten your load by practicing clearing, grounding, and protection methods every day.

Take responsibility – Own the decisions you make and the actions you take. Look for the lessons in every experience. Understand your role in the situation and what choices can be made going forward. Stop complaining and blaming others for your circumstances. Take appropriate action to move past the problem.

Connect to the divine – Connection to spirit is not about setting a time to meditate, going to your place of worship, or doing so only during prayer. It is a continuous connection, day and night, where you stay open and listen to divine guidance. Start your day with the intent of doing so, and it will increase the number of divine downloads you receive. Once received, the more likely you are to follow divine guidance, the stronger and more consistent the connection becomes.

As a practitioner, when sharing your intuitive messages with clients, deliver the message objectively; take your thoughts and feelings out of it. Your clients put their trust in you, so ensure they understand that they always maintain free will. Empower them to take control of their own lives.

Continuous improvement – Strive to evolve on a regular basis. Avoid stagnation and seek opportunities to express your true nature in new ways for the highest good. Stretch yourself and seek to learn something new every day.

Practice acceptance; suspend judgment – All paths are valid; differences among people enrich the world. If someone is following a path you disagree with, understand that it is their life and their way, then accept their choices as part of their lessons in this lifetime, just as you make choices you feel are best for you.

Expand your heart – Find ways to lift up and open your heart for the betterment of yourself and others. Beaming love and high vibrational energy uplifts the world, elevates your own frequency, and helps others feel good in the process.

See Also

Practice gratitude – Be deeply grateful for everything in your life, even when you think it’s negative at first. It is there for a reason, and spirit is trying to show you something that is important for your growth.

Take one of these ideas each month and practice embodying the concept on a daily basis. Soon embracing the divine in yourself and others through the practice of spiritual integrity becomes second nature.

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About the Author

Diane Wing, M.A. is a tree hugger, avid reader, blockage buster, perspective changer, philosopher, creator, and pet parent to a Shih Tzu named Chrissy. She gets energized from continuous learning and strives to help her clients be happy in the present while creating their ideal future. If you’re tired of skimming the surface of what’s holding you back and are ready to see things differently, go to

View Comment (1)
  • This is a wonderful article. My only problem is that pages 2-3 aren’t in an obvious place. I didn’t know the article had more pages until I scrolled down past the share links. So it left me wondering where the other 7 were. Just an fyi!

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