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Everything Begins With the Mind

Everything Begins With the Mind


by Bob Mangroo

Face It: Mind and Actions Must be Aligned

When we face difficult times and compare our life to others it is very easy to think that life favors one person over another. But the differences in people’s lives are not conditions of the outside world. What makes the difference is the condition of the inside world. People accomplish their desires because they have tapped into the power of their own thoughts. No amount of effort will work in our favor if our mind is working against us. Our mind and actions must be aligned for that which we desire. It is impossible for success to be created with failure thinking. And, it is impossible to be happy with misery thinking.

We create the experiences in our life that match our mindset. Life functions on a like attracts like principle. If we are angry on a regular basis we will attract various problems that continue to make us angry. We may find ourselves constantly getting into arguments or things not going our way. If on the other hand, we hold feelings of joy and thankfulness, then people and events will show up that give us more reasons to feel joyful and thankful. Whether good or bad; we get what we think about.

Life does not happen independently of our minds; our mind is life and life is mind. We cannot have a life experience without the mind. Mind is the creator and interpreter of life. It is tempting to think that life happens to us; but life is happening because of us. Life will shift and change according to how our minds shift and change. For example, peaceful people will not have wars and angry people will. War is not an independent entity separate from people; war cannot happen without people. War is created by people and nothing else. But more precise, it is not people in general; it is the people that retain a mindset for war that create war. We all have within us the potential for good or bad, it is up to us to decide which side we want to function from.


Thinking Sparks Our Creative Mind

Whether we are talking about war, self-pity or lack, the potential to take our life in a positive direction begins with changing our thinking and activities. And, it is important to remember that no one is in control of your mind but you. Therefore, no one is in control of your life but you. Once a person understands this, they have made a great step toward self-mastery and personal happiness. We may not get what we want, but we will certainly get what we feel. We may want success but deep down we may feel like a failure. Life will not give us what we want (success) if our dominant energy and mindset is failure. Life will only create whatever is dominant in our thinking.

A farmer will only get what he plants. He cannot expect anything else. If he plants carrots he will get carrots; he cannot expect tomatoes. Divine creation is perfect. It makes no errors. If a person plants roses, Mother Earth will not grow tulips by mistake. Failure comes from a failure mind and success comes from a success mind. A mind that expects failure will see failure. It cannot see anything else but failure. No amount of hard work will create success if our mindset says; “I am a failure” or “life is unfair” or “life does not like me because it’s not giving me this and that.”

It may seem that our circumstances cause of our demise but circumstances are only effect. They are the end result and not causation. Mind is causation and circumstances are the results. Hate is causation and war is the result. Mind leads to behavior and behavior leads to circumstances. Similarly, feelings of failure or inadequacy are not outside forces working against us. They are the result of wrong thinking. To improve our life then is not about looking at our current circumstances, but instead, we must look to change our thinking first. We must declare to ourselves; no more of the same old. I am tired of drama, trauma and limitation. I am ready to start fresh and move my life forward in a new direction. And, I am willing to explore my wrong thinking and turn it into right thinking.


Right Thinking: Positive Aligns with Positive

A farmer will only get what he keeps planting. If he wishes for a new type of crop he must plant new types of seeds. Similarly we must plant into our minds thoughts of progress, prosperity, health, joy and achievement. And, only then we can receive these things. Keep in mind we must focus on positive living regularly; and not just wish or hope for a good life. An effort needs to be applied for change to happen. Wishing for health and success is not enough. There must be an ongoing focus of seeing and thinking of ourselves in a positive light. We must think, act and move like a healthy successful person would. We must practice to walk, talk, sit, stand and think with confidence. This is how we retrain our mind. Our mind must get involved in new patterns in order to create new thinking. The mind will not correct itself on its own. A negative mind does not even know it is negative; it sees it negativity as normal and unchangeable. This is its greatest trap and illusion.

When we train our minds to think about and focus on the brighter side of life (even if our current situation is negative) our world will start to shift for the better. If however, we refuse to do this and continue to run on negative thinking, we will keep producing negative experiences. We have the power to influence our life. And, all we have to do is first practice to lean our mind more on the positive side of things.

It’s time for a fresh start; we must awaken our inner powers of potential and joy. Our future is not fixed, pre-planned and already written out like a story book. Instead, we are altering the story and characters while we read. Therefore, we have much more power than we realize. Our reality is organic, expressive and changes due to the shifts in our mindset, and not, because of the outside world. Our external world is the manifestation of our internal world, just like the apple tree is the manifestation of the apple seed. The seed comes first. Mind comes first.

See Also
Inner Knowledge

As we spend more time contemplating our goodness, our strengths, our self-value and our ability to learn and believe in ourselves. And, when we stop our thoughts of failure, fear and self-condemnation; this by all means is a wonderful start to a better life for self, and for humanity as a whole.


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About the Author

Bob Mangroo is a personal potential coach and spiritual teacher. His training and coaching work includes hypnosis, meditation and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In addition, he has earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada.

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