How To Help A Lost Soul

Sensing a Presence With You…
Do you ever feel as if you are not alone? You sense that there is an unseen spirit being close, but it does not feel as if this is a loved one or anyone familiar who has passed over. Do you have a desire to be of service and help others? Open-hearted, intuitive, and spiritual individuals who are willing to serve and assist others may unknowingly attract lost souls.
Sometimes people die and pass out of the physical body, but do not go to what we call the other side. A vibration of all love, forgiveness and peace, the other side is often referred to as the light, heaven, Elysium, nirvana, paradise, or the summerland. It is the soul’s home in the afterlife where we encounter the divine presence and complete love. For various reasons there are times when a soul does not ascend into this higher vibration and instead clings to the physical world after passing out of the body.
This may happen when an individual passes over when they are confused, suffering from an illness such as dementia, under the influence of drugs or alcohol or anesthesia, die in an accident or experience an unexpected death. While some may simply not feel worthy to be going to heaven or do not believe in an afterlife and attempt to stay as close to the physical world. These are not ghosts who wish to frighten us and they are not powerful demonic spirits who can cause us harm, they are simply souls who have lost their way and need help. Because they are still focused in the physical world, they often do not recognize the many angels and their own loved ones in the spirit realm that may be trying to help them. Instead they are often attracted to loving spiritual and intuitive people in the physical world who can sense their presence and be able to help them.
It is likely that you will at some point encounter a lost or wandering spirit or ghost. There are many and they need assistance. When in the presence of a lost or wandering soul you will not feel frightened or scared. Instead you may feel their presence and their feelings of confusion or sadness and you will likely feel a desire to help. If you intuitively sense or feel that a lost soul needs your help it is best to go through the process of helping them over. Your efforts are never wasted. Even if there is not a spirit close by, you may unknowingly help an undetected lost soul miles away.
If you feel that there is a lost soul that is in need of help and this is not someone that you personally knew in the physical world, it is not necessary or even advisable for you to personally connect with whoever you are helping over. Because earthbound spirits are already focused in the physical realm, a personal connection with them only further confuses and keeps them bound here.
How to Help a Lost Soul…
Your job in helping a lost soul over to the light is to act as a medium between the realms. It is important that you do not get personally involved with the lost soul. Instead, focus your efforts in invoking the presence of an angel, guide or a spirit in the light who knows and can influence them.
Do not ask for signs or phenomena to confirm the presence of a lost or wandering soul. This only makes crossing over more difficult. It is enough confirmation that you or another has felt or sensed a presence. There is never any harm with this process.
Imagine that you are surrounded by the white light of protection and ask for angels and beings from the light to be present to assist you and the lost soul.
Ask for a divine loving presence from the light to draw close to the lost soul. I ask for Mother Mary or Archangel Michael and their angels. However, ask for the presence of whatever divine being you feel most comfortable with. As you invoke their presence imagine that the lost soul is surrounded by unconditional love.
You can send the lost soul a message through your thoughts and feelings and though seeing an image in your mind’s eye. Project the message to him or her that there is a place where they can feel the presence of unconditional love all of the time and that they can be in the company of their loved ones who have passed over. Let them know that the physical realm is no longer their home and that they cannot stay here any longer. Be firm but loving. Give him or her the assurance that there is a place of love and peace waiting for them.
Ask for a loved one in the light who knows the lost soul to come close. Spirit loved ones can be very clever and convince even the most confused souls to go with them.
Ask the divine being who you invoked and the spirit’s loved ones to take them directly into the light. In your mind’s eye imagine the lost soul going with their loved one, an angel or other divine being into the heavens.
End with Gratitude…
When you feel the energy begin to fade or if you receive an intuitive message that the soul has successfully made their transition into the light, imagine yourself surrounded by light. You may feel a sense of peace and joy and a bit lighter after this process. Ask your angels and guides to clear your energy field of anything that is not in your highest good. Thank all those who helped your guides, angels, divine beings and those from the other side.
During this process you may not receive any confirmation or evidence that you are connecting with the lost soul or that angels and divine beings are present. Trust that you are making a difference even if you do not receive the kind of evidence that you would like. You can do this process whenever and wherever you sense a lost or wandering soul. You are liberating and freeing lost and wandering souls into perfect love and peace and contributing to the ascension of the planet.
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About the Author
Sherrie Dillard (Durham, NC) has been a professional psychic, medium, and therapist for over twenty years. She has taught intuition development at Duke University Continuing Studies, and has led workshops and classes on spiritual development and spiritual healing nationally and internationally.

Sherrie Dillard has a M.Div. in New Thought Counseling and Metaphysics and has over twenty-five years as a professional intuitive, medium and New Thought Counselor. She is the Best Selling author of Discover Your Psychic Type, Love and Intuition, and You Are a Medium published by Lllewellyn Worldwide; and The Miracle Workers Handbook: Seven Levels of Power and Manifestation of the Virgin Mary published by O Books.