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May 2016 Astrology Forecast

May 2016 Astrology Forecast


May 2016 Astrology Forecast – Relax and Enjoy

Relax, don’t do it, when you want to go to it.” — Relax, Frankie Goes to Hollywood

To listen to Astrologer kathy Biehl discuss the May 2016 Astrology Forecast, click the player below.

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The May 2016 Astrology Forecast tells us that when time slows to a crawl this month or, worse, life renders you motionless and you find yourself wishing for movement, action, anything, please remember the mania of March and April. And count your blessings.

Which is not to say that May won’t be hopping, at times. It will, so much so that you will have moments of gasping for breath and begging for a break. When one comes around (and opportunities will abound May 7 – 13), take it and indulge, shamelessly. Otherwise, stock up on stamina, pacing, being in the now — all are qualities that serve you well in May’s singular energies.

Progress is occurring, just not in a predictable or forward-ho manner. The biggest instances of growth and movement will come from matters returning for revisiting, revising, fleshing out and simply more attention. They dominate the first third of the month, when the uncommonly high number of five planets is retrograde. Even as that count begins to lessen (with Jupiter stationing direct on May 11), the retrospective, redoing vibe remains.

Its benefits are many. Going back over old turf or reviving old matters allows for redoing, repairing, rearranging, improving and catching information, details and nuances that make a difference. Dig in the same spot long enough and you may hit paydirt, or discover buried treasure, or strike oil. Or maybe just remove debris that’s crowding out new growth.

Opportunities to solidify, ground and let nature take its course abound around the Taurus New Moon on May 6. It creates an unimpeded current of practical, tangible, growth-oriented earth energy running from the New Moon to bountiful Jupiter in Virgo and transformative Pluto in Capricorn. The effect lasts the whole moon cycle, and spills over into social and financial matters when Venus takes the Moon’s position May 9 and 10.


The line-up for the May 2016 Astrology Forecast is a cosmic invitation to lounge in the garden of life. Enjoy the physical sustenance and pleasures it offers. Look for signs of growth, flourishing and even harvest, and give yourself over to the sensations. Think of yourself as a spiritual being having a physical existence (you’ve heard that saying, right?), or a bridge between spirit and matter. Put your attention on the here and now, and revel in it.

Life slides focus to here and there by the Sun’s annual move to Gemini on the 20th and the Sagittarius Full Moon the next day, with action hero Mars retreat’s taking him right into the festivities. No happy-go-lucky Sag party, this one;we’ll be defending beliefs, or acting aggressively on them or otherwise living out the phrase “fighting words.”

The backward trend will not noticeably loosen until Mercury goes direct on the 22nd. (Read what this month’s Mercury retrograde bodes here.) Despite communication and travel matters gradually returning to more familiar contours, the vibe of going back over old territory will only intensify from the 27th through next month, when Mars backs into the murky depths of Scorpio.

Before he changes sign, his partner Venus leaves home for a flit-and-flirt-fest in Gemini and has a staring contest with him on the 24th. This face-off drives home the distance between desires and achieving them. He takes that awareness along on his Scorpio mission, which explores loose ends from last summer, when Scorpio retrograded over the same turf. Think of it as a clean-up crew in military gear, with tactical weapons, surgical tools and steely determination to tackle whatever they encounter.

See Also
2024 Capricorn Full moon

The end of the month brings awareness into focus in other ways as well. Rules and limitations mushroom to the point that we address them, thanks to a harsh contact between Jupiter and Saturn, which crests on May 26. Our thought processes and information flow clarify dramatically by the 30th, when Mercury gets an effortless assist from Pluto. The point of Mercury’s retrograde becomes clear (or some of it, at least). Thinking and priorities streamline. Important information comes to consciousness; significant conversations occur. Perhaps empowering, perhaps delimiting, and definitely transforming and simplifying.


Order Kathy’s annual astro-overview to learn how this fits into the rest of 2016.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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