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The Visual – Why Can We Not See?

The Visual – Why Can We Not See?

Why Can We Not See What is Right In Front of Us?

When it comes to all things visual, why is it that so many of us are unable to see? Why can we not see things that are right in front of us? While not everyone may be blessed with the gift of ‘second sight,’ is there a reason why so many of us deal with occlusion, where we cannot see things and situations that are clearly obvious before us?

Many of us are grateful to exist in a world of sight. The many photographs, videos, and other images we interact with on a daily basis encourage us and promote the use of our eyes and the visual cortex of our brains. What many of us ‘envision,’ can even be brought into existence through metaphysical means, if we choose to use that method of creation.

Beyond metaphysics, however, there is a vast majority of people who run their everyday lives clueless to the visual wonders that surround them. Granted, there are many others who are either born with or, because of accident or disease, have lost their sight. People who cannot see with their eyes can eventually learn the skills to exist and thrive, while many otherwise sighted people may continue to live with blockages that keep them from seeing; both intentional and unintentional.


See Also

Who is Behind the Occlusion that Keeps Us from Seeing?

Who or what would want to keep others from seeing, you may ask? There have been instances purported, in cases of control and power, where there is clear evidence that shows an entire group of otherwise well-sighted people can be manipulated. Despite having all their faculties, they are misdirected into believing something other than what their eyes experience, or their ‘gut,’ tells them.

When it comes to general or broadcast media, such as television programs or even movies, beyond telling us an entertaining story, we can just as easily say that by watching the pre-recorded show, our eyes are not seeing what may be going on around us. We passively watch screens today, without as much of the interaction that can happen in a regular theater or concert, where we experience live production, or conversation improvised on the fly.

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