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The Visual – Why Can We Not See?

The Visual – Why Can We Not See?

There is so much visual distraction available for us today, also. Visual consumption happens everywhere, it seems; even mealtime is seen as an ideal time to catch up on email or, as has been the norm since “TV dinners” were created, to sit as a family and eat meals together. We eat as we consume.

Perhaps this is another reason why we cannot see…because we are consuming the evidence! The act of consumption is the opposite of the act of creation, so we see the opposing effect. Plus, we even get ‘reward points’ for being such good consumers. How about that?


Distraction & Visual Consumers – Many Special Effects!

In fact, we are such good consumers, taking in all the many messages and memes headed our way, that we also believe the messages that tell us others are out to ‘take what is ours.’ So many of us believe the construct that there is a shortage, that we fear those who are in need. We call them many foul names and think of our fellow human beings as ‘less than,’ even when we know deep down we are all the same, and we are tricked into giving less or not caring at all.

To really see the vile side of our human nature takes a lot of fortitude. Not only do we have to look past the ‘obvious’ misdirection, we must steel ourselves for what we perceive on the other side. It is not always pretty, seeing suffering people in pain. Maybe this is why many are happy for the distraction and do not seek to look past it.

See Also

We all must look beyond, not being afraid of the word, ‘apocalypse.’ If we are light workers, then we shine our light for all to see. If we are visionaries, then we must make and create a new place where everyone gets to play and live freely with dignity. If we are more hands-on, fit and active, then our efforts need to go to help others without expectation of ‘payment,’ for what goes around, comes around.

So, whether it is part of some upper-handed distraction, underhanded manipulation, or simply our own sort of ignorance, there is a lot out there just waiting to be seen, and consumed. It might be a good time to remember the old adage, ‘we are what we eat.’ It may be time to switch from ‘diet’ to ‘live-it,’ and wouldn’t that be wonderful to see?

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